Posted by on May 31, 2011 in Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments


Wednesday June 1 2011 is a new Moon in the curious, clever, and mischievous Air sign Gemini. New Moons are time for new action, so putting your ideas into action should be perfect for a Gemini Moon. But this new Moon is also an eclipse, the first in a series of eclipses on June 1, June 15, and July 1. An eclipse is an absence of light when the “shadow” is seen, meaning that unconscious behaviors can come to light to be healed and transformed. So events will proceed more slowly than anticipated, especially during this Hare year 2011 when life’s pace is naturally slowed.

Due to Gemini’s changeable and mercurial nature, you could be pulled in many directions. It seems as if everyone is distracted, and it’s a challenge to even make up your mind. Still, enjoy and celebrate Gemini’s lively and inquisitive nature. Do what you like. Take short trips, communicate and network, investigate, and discover new things that challenge or inspire you. Gemini is the sign of the twins so team work, supportive partnerships, and group efforts flow well at this time.

This new Moon has the strongest influence on the Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius and those born in Horse, Dog, and Tiger years.

Happy new Moon!

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