Posted by on Jun 16, 2011 in Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments


Wednesday June 15 is a full Moon in the truth seeking, freedom loving, trail blazing Fire sign Sagittarius. This full Moon is a lunar eclipse, the second in a series of eclipses on June 1, June 15, and July 1. Eclipses are an absence of light when the “shadow” is seen. Opportunities are good to release unnecessary entanglements that do not forward growth. Let go of half truths, especially in relationships. Put an end to repeating irritations or old habits. The more you release, the clearer your path becomes. Please feel free to call me at 415.642.8019 or send an email if you seek more clarity during this cycle of eclipses.

This full Moon marks the middle of the month of the Wood Horse so this can be a fortunate time to swiftly resolve difficulties, move forward, and be of service to others. Now more than ever, speaking the truth is most important. Sagittarius’ inspirational energy and love of travel, adventure, and excitement is for all, and is strongest for the Fire signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo and those born in Rat, Dragon, and Monkey years.

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