Thursday March 8 is a full Moon in the practical Earth sign Virgo. Four planets are in Earth signs (Mars is also in Virgo, both Venus and Jupiter are in Taurus, and Pluto is in Capricorn) so now is an ideal time to address the Earth-plane realistic matters in your life. This full Moon brings opportunities to get grounded, problem solve, cleanse and organize your home or office, and get caught up at work. Start with what needs attention most, such as take care of yourself, rethink your health routine, focus on nutrition, or restructure your finances. Do not let things back up in a Dragon year. Keep up and stay current because…
Monday March 12 communication planet Mercury will be retrograde for three weeks until April 4. From March 12 to March 22, Mercury will be retrograde in fiery Aries for direct speech, snap judgements, and fast decisions. This is excellent in a Dragon year to cover much ground. But from March 23 to April 15, Mercury will be in the Water sign Pisces. Suddenly, people are more sensitive about what is said or written. So try to include others and understand their emotions. Mercury returns to dynamic Aries from April 16 to May 7 to put plans into action, pioneer new ideas, and ride the wave of success in this Water Dragon year.
March 19 is Spring Equinox, a day for balance now that winter is over. Equal day and equal night, first the dark and then the light! The Sun enters bold brave Fire sign Aries on Spring Equinox, the beginning of the astrological solar year. This Equinox, try to carve out a bit of time to do what is healing and balancing for you; a little more sleep, a long bath, or a nature walk. Feel free to call me at 415.642.8019 or send an email susan@susanlevitt.com for a tarot card reading or feng shui consultation for Equinox.
Happy full Moon,
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