Posted by on May 18, 2013 in Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments

Sag Man


Friday May 24 is a full Moon eclipse at 9:25 pm PDT. This is the third and final eclipse in a series of eclipses this spring. April 25 was a full Moon eclipse in the passionate Water sign Scorpio to reflect on using power wisely in this Water Snake year. May 9 was a new Moon eclipse in the grounded Earth sign Taurus to focus on health, food, healing, money, and career. The full Moon eclipse on May 24 is in the dynamic Fire sign Sagittarius to discover new freedom, independence, and expand your awareness of the truth.

Under the influence of bold Sagittarius, it’s fortunate to stay active and learn new skills. The Moon trines Uranus for something new and to experience different surroundings. It’s lucky to travel, enjoy a weekend get-away, or plan a vacation — especially before Mercury goes retrograde from June 26 to July 20.


Sagittarius is the truth seeker of the zodiac and rules the 9th house of exploration, travel, and education. This eclipse is time to tell your truth, break old routines that bind you, and separate fact from fantasy. But awareness of what is real or unreal could be challenging at this time because the Sun and Moon square Neptune. You might feel discouraged, confused, or just not clear about life direction. So this eclipse is not the time to make firm decisions that cannot later be changed.

Know that you can always call me at 415.642.8019 or send an email to to schedule your tarot or astrology reading for life insights during this eclipse cycle. I was born when the Moon was in Sagittarius so I have an understanding of this astrological dynamic.


The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are all in Gemini. Mercurial Gemini can be fun and exciting, but it can be easy to get scattered or feel overwhelmed under the influence of fast-paced Gemini. Plus Uranus squares Pluto that can bring the desire to sweep away everything all at once to create a new beginning. So try to take it slow in this Snake month during this Snake year. Wise Snake is in no race, and understands that it takes times to achieve goals and to know others. Events put into place during an eclipse take six months to reach fruition.

Fortunately Mercury and Venus blend with Jupiter the planet of good fortune and abundance. There is an eagerness to learn and incorporate new information, you can more easily communicate to your loved ones how much you appreciate and cherish them, and it’s very fortunate to add feng shui enhancements increase beauty and peace in your home. Luck is strongest for the Fire signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo and those born in Rat, Dragon, Ox, and Snake years.

Happy full Moon,


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