June 10 – 16, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology

Posted by on Jun 9, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology | 0 comments

white crane

Highlights this week are a creative Fire Sheep day on Monday to start the week, a fortunate Metal Dog day on Thursday, and good fortune continues on a Water Pig day on Friday for socializing and enjoying life!

Monday June 10 is an inspired, creative Fire Sheep day on the crescent Moon. The Moon blends with Mercury and Venus for empathetic and kind communication, and artistic self expression brings results. Venus trines Saturn and Neptune for romance and appreciation of beauty. An excellent day for feng shui enhancements to your home and office, especially if you add the lucky springtime flowers peony and orchid. Luck is strongest for Sheep, Rabbit, Horse, and Pig and during Sheep hours 1 pm – 3 pm.

Tuesday June 11 is an Earth Monkey (gold Monkey) day when life can become chaotic as Mercury and Venus square Uranus and oppose Pluto. It’s easy to be overwhelmed or jump ahead of plans. Be aware that Monkey loves tall tales, and fine with Monkey to stretch the truth! Fortunately Venus and Saturn trine Neptune to keep relationships from derailing. And Earth Monkey is the most grounded and sensible of all the Monkeys. Luck is strongest for Monkey, Rat, Dragon, and Snake and during Monkey hours 3 pm – 5 pm.

Wednesday June 12 is an Earth Phoenix (Rooster) day, the fortunate golden bird. The Moon sextiles Mars and trines Uranus to feel good about your work and get much accomplished, and Rooster loves accomplishments. But Mercury and Venus square Uranus so no pecking! Be aware that direct communication can sound bossy or critical, even when that’s not your intent. Luck is strongest for Rooster, Ox, Dragon, and Snake and during Rooster hours 5 pm – 7 pm.

Thursday June 13 is a strong Metal Dog (white Dog) day when all is well. A Dog day is fortunate in this Horse month. The Sun sextiles the Moon for balance, and it’s easy to express your true feelings. Plus the Sun blends with Jupiter for generosity of spirit and a nice rapport with others. Dog loves the pack so now is a good time for socializing and networking. Luck is strongest for the Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, and Horse and during Dog hours 7 pm – 9 pm.

Friday June 14 is a sweet Metal Pig day. The Moon sextiles Jupiter and Saturn to feel good, enjoy group activities, and your emotional needs are well balanced with duties or obligations. Mercury blends with Venus for pleasant conversations and good fortune in romance. Luck is strongest for Pig, Tiger, Rabbit, and Sheep and during Pig hours 9 pm – 11 pm.

Saturday June 15 is a passionate Water Rat (black Rat) day when the Moon sextiles Mercury and Venus for interesting conversations, good communication, and deep feelings. Plus the Moon trines Pluto so intimate relationships are deepened and enriched. But the Moon squares Mars bringing a tendency to argue your point of view or get carried away about one topic so keep that in check. Luck is strongest for Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey, and during Rat hours 11 pm – 1 am.

Sunday June 16 is a steady Water Ox day on a waning half Moon. Half Moons are a time for balance and to take care of yourself and others. The Moon squares Sun and Jupiter for growth and expansion, but under the influence of the gentle Ox you won’t go to extremes. Mars sextiles Uranus for impatience with routine, but on an Ox day it is easier to follow rules and stay with the structure you’ve created in your life. Luck is strongest for Ox, Rat, Snake, and Rooster and during Ox hours 1 am – 3 am.

Have a great week!



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