Highlights this week are deep double Snake Thursday, strong double Wood Horse Friday, and feisty Fire Monkey Sunday!
Mon May 19 is a Metal TIGER (white Tiger) day. The Moon trines Sun and Mars for action! Time to get going as Mars is no longer retrograde. Mars goes direct at 6:31 pm PDT. Enjoy a little pick-me up today, and find your inner courage. Energy really accelerates next week on May 28 new Moon that starts Horse month. Venus conjunct Uranus all week for new inspiration and romance. But Pluto squares Mars and Uranus, and is opposite Jupiter, keeping alive the frustrating grand cardinal cross energy. So stay strong. Tiger day luck strongest for Tiger, Dog, Horse, and Pig. Tiger hours 3 am – 5 am.
Tues May 20 is a Metal RABBIT day. Moon sextiles Venus and Uranus for romance, love, and something new and inspiring. Rabbit loves art and beauty so create beauty today. Take time for some pampering. Venus trines Saturn bringing the stability that Rabbit appreciates. OK if feel slowed down by the cardinal cross. Fresh flowers help! Rabbit day luck strongest for Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, and Pig. Rabbit hours 5 – 7 am.
Wed May 21 is a last quarter Moon on a Water DRAGON (black Dragon) day. This waning half Moon conjuncts Neptune to really follow your intuition. Dragon’s lofty instincts are correct. You can fly directly to the right conclusion without having to analyze the data. But Sun squares Neptune so have doubts! Just stay balanced during this half Moon, and not go to extremes. Dragon day luck strongest for Dragon, Rat, Snake, and Monkey. Dragon hours 7 – 9 am.
Thurs May 22 is a DOUBLE SNAKE day: a Water Snake day in this Earth Snake month. Moon sextiles Pluto to release the past. Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn create a grand trine that brings ease, opportunity, and stability. But still lots of squares in the heavens so measure your words and do not lash out. Double Snake day luck is strongest for Snake, Ox, Monkey, and Phoenix (Rooster). Snake hours 9 – 11 am.
Fri May 23 is a DOUBLE Wood HORSE day; a Wood Horse day in this Wood Horse year. Moon sextiles the Sun to feel good, be at peace with yourself, and are free to express. Honesty is key, and you can cover much ground. Still many squares in the heavens so just move right through. Not the weekend to analyze or contemplate. You’ll have all of Sheep year 2015 to complain, but not now. Double Wood Horse day luck is strongest for Horse, Tiger, Sheep, and Dog. Horse hours 11 am – 1 pm.
Sat May 24 is a Wood SHEEP day when people really feel the Moon conjunct Uranus, and seek something different! Time to take a risk and have an adventure this weekend. Sun trines Mars, and Jupiter trines Saturn, adding an extra boost of energy and vitality. Many squares in the heavens, including Moon square Pluto, so keep it light and social. Sheep day luck is strongest for Sheep, Rabbit, Horse, and Pig. Sheep hours 1 – 3 pm.
Sun May 25 is a Fire MONKEY (red Monkey) day. Moon conjuncts Venus for a party and celebration! Enjoy! Mercury sextiles the Moon and Venus for free expression and innovative creativity. Can tie up loose ends, and get a lot accomplished. If feeling held back by squares, use Monkey ingenuity to problem solve. The more far out the solution, the better! Energy starts to wind down to New Moon on Wednesday starts Earth Horse month at 11:40 am PST. Monkey day luck is strongest for Monkey, Rat, Dragon, and Snake. Monkey hours 3 – 5 pm.
Good luck and have a great week,
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