May 26 – June 1, 2014 The Week in Chinese Astrology
Highlights this week are a new Moon on Wednesday at 11:40 am PDT that begins the month of the Metal Horse! It’s a Horse month in a Horse year! And lucky white Tiger Saturday is ideal for entertaining.
Mon May 26 is a passionate Fire PHOENIX (Rooster) day. A Phoenix day is naturally fortunate in this Snake month because Phoenix, Snake, and Ox are the most compatible. Moon sextiles Neptune trines Pluto so more sensitive to people’s needs, imagination is stimulated, and and relationships are enriched. But the squares continue of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Not the time for new projects but to carefully complete the old. Wait until after the new Moon on Wednesday that starts Horse month in Horse year for new endeavors. Phoenix day luck is strongest for Phoenix, Ox, Dragon, and Snake. Phoenix hours 5 – 7 pm.
Tues May 27 is a focused Earth DOG (yellow Dog) day. All Dog days are naturally fortunate in this Horse year. Moon is opposite Saturn so relationships can be challenging. Don’t get too serious about finding faults. If feeling held back by grand cross of planets, stay focused on the task at hand. Fortunately Sun trines Mars for vigor and strength. Energy winds down to new Moon tomorrow that starts Horse month and brings new fresh energy! Dog day luck is strongest for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, and Horse. Dog hours 7 – 9 pm.
Wed May 28 is a NEW MOON at 11:40 am PDT that begins Horse month! It’s Metal Horse month in this Wood Horse year. Time to get back in the saddle and go, go, go. Fresh, clean energy arrives like a cool, springtime breeze. Sun and Moon trine Mars so are more assertive, can stand your ground, and have new physical strength and vigor. But Sun and Moon square Mars so if not clear, don’t go racing off in the wrong direction like a horse wearing blinders. Double Horse month is luckiest for Horse, Tiger, Dog, and Sheep.
Thurs May 29 is a Metal RAT day that could be confusing in this Metal Horse month. The grand cross in the heavens is frustrating for planner Rat who does not follow gut instincts like Horse. Fortunately Jupiter trines Saturn to build on what you already have. There’s plenty of time to make big changes so don’t leap today if you feel uncertain. Know you can send me an email at or call me at 415.642.8019 to schedule your tarot or astrology reading. Rat day luck strong for Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey. Rat hours 11 pm – 1 am.
Fri May 30 is a strong Metal OX day. The Moon conjuncts Mercury so people are influenced by moods not logic. But follow your feelings. Moon and Mercury trine Neptune so in touch with emotions, can communicate well, and mystical subjects are more interesting to you. The big cross of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto is less problematic. Ox day luck strongest for Ox, Rat, Snake and Phoenix (Rooster). Ox hours 1 – 3 am.
Sat May 31 is a lucky Water TIGER (black Tiger) day. Moon conjuncts Jupiter to live large and enjoy life! Great day for a party. A Tiger day is fortunate in Horse month and Horse year. Moon trines Saturn and Neptune so you are strong, can withstand tests of strength, yet are caring for others. Tiger day luck strongest for Tiger, Dog, Horse, and Pig. Tiger hours 3 – 5 am.
Sun June 1 is a gentle Water RABBIT day for deep feelings and to follow your intuition. Plus there are strong Mercury aspects today so good for communication and diplomacy. Moon conjunct Jupiter continues to enjoy life and not be stressed out about Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in a big square. Lighten up and take care of self and others. A day to rest if needed. Rabbit day luck strongest for Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, and Pig. Rabbit hours 5 – 7 am.
Good luck and have a great week,
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