For your travel plans in 2015, note that Mercury retrograde is not considered an auspicious time for travel. So make your travel arrangements with the following Mercury retrograde dates in mind. Communication planet Mercury is retrograde for three weeks three times a year.
January 21 – February 11 in Air sign Aquarius. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius. Good for think tanks, new ideas, and networking. Best to be methodical during this Ox month, the final month of Horse year.
May 18 – June 11 in Air sign Gemini. Mercury is comfortable in rulership sign Gemini. You can cover much ground. Events fly by during this Horse month (in Sheep year).
September 11 – October 9 in Air sign Libra. Relationships will be important under the influence of Libra. Honesty is key during this Dog month.
Sunday January 4, 2015 is a full Moon in Cancer at 8:53 pm PT. Cancer is a nurturing Water sign that rules the fourth house of family, hearth, and home. The Full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces bringing increased intuition. Impressions and hunches are strong. And superb for all types of divination! Contact me by phone 415.642.8019 or email to schedule your New Year astrology forecast and tarot card reading.
The prominent Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn is being played out on the world stage as a fight for radical change. Rebel Uranus leads the way, first marching in the streets for Occupy Wall Street, now protesting police brutality that Black Lives Matter. Pluto is represented by a plutocracy or government of wealthy men (especially in Earth sign Capricorn), who fight to support their status quo. This Cancerian full Moon makes a square to Uranus, plus the Moon is opposite the Sun and Pluto, to shine light on these issues to bring new awareness. The Sun continues to conjunct Pluto, adding intensity to relationships. Sun conjunct Pluto ends January 11.
Saturn squares Neptune to strive for a balance of material and spiritual life. Intention might not be clear, and people can become overly idealistic. So keep things simple, and stay flexible when making decisions. Fortunately, the ongoing Mercury conjunct Venus is good for expressing your feelings, and brings an appreciation of art, peace, and beauty. Mercury and Venus are both in Aquarius, the best sign for Mercury and an interesting one for Venus! Mercury conjunct Venus ideas and communication are grounded by sextiles to practical Saturn, newly in Sagittarius. Mercury conjunct Venus ends January 23.
January 6 – 22 Mars squares Saturn. Aspects of Mars and Saturn can feel like driving with the brakes on! So it’s best to proceed carefully during this transit. To succeed, be through even when projects take more time than anticipated. It’s easy to become impatient during the tail of Wood Horse year.
January 8 – 29 Mars conjuncts Neptune. Mars wants action, whereas dreamy Neptune does not. Avoid accepting things at face value until all the facts surface. Not the time for shortcuts or to try to leap over obstacles.
For current astronomical planetary transits click here for my daily updates.
Please join me on Saturday January 31, 2015 at 1 pm for my YEAR OF THE WOOD SHEEP talk at East West Books in Mountain View, CA. Purchase your $19 ticket in advance by calling the bookstore at 650.988.9800 because last year my talk sold out. I look forward to seeing you there!
Happy full Moon,
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