Aquarian New Moon, Fire Ox, and Mercury Retrograde

Posted by on Jan 15, 2015 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

Crescent Moon GoddessNEW MOON IN AQUARIUS

Tuesday January 20, 2015 is a new Moon in Air sign Aquarius at 5:14 am PST. On this new Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus are all in Aquarius for free thinking, innovation, and a lot going on during the tail of this Wood Horse year! Mercury conjunct Venus is opposite Jupiter in Leo so everyone has much to say, and have many opinions. Ideas can be inspirational, yet not necessarily realistic. Jupiter trines Uranus in Aries, so express yourself by doing something different to break from routine. Mars conjuncts Neptune in Pisces for increased sensitivity, while the Sun and new Moon are sextile Saturn in Sagittarius bringing a reflective tone. On the world stage, Uranus continues to square Pluto for rebellion between freethinkers and the dominant power structure.


This new Moon begins the month of the Fire Ox. The element Fire adds liveliness to the usually stable and steady Ox. Every Chinese year ends during an Ox month that brings opportunities to get grounded and complete projects. The next new Moon on February 18 begins the month of the Earth Tiger, the new Moon of Chinese New Year that begins the year of the Wood Sheep.


Wednesday January 21 communication planet Mercury goes retrograde for three weeks until February 11. So drive carefully, allow more time when traveling, and be sure to not lose keys, wallet, or other important items. Anticipate challenges with technology and communication. But this Mercury retrograde cycle will not be so problematic because Mercury is in Aquarius during all three weeks. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, the best sign for Mercury.


Please join me for my annual Chinese New Year talk 2015 YEAR OF THE WOOD SHEEP at East West Books in Mountain View, CA on Saturday January 31 2015 at 1 pm. Purchase your $19 ticket in advance by calling the bookstore at 650.988.9800 because last year my talk sold out. I look forward to seeing you there!

Happy new Moon,

Susan Levitt

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