November 25, 2015 at 2:44 pm PT is a full Moon in Air sign Gemini. A Gemini Moon is fortunate for travels, short trips, and all mercurial activities. This full Moon trines Mars in Libra adding strength and vigor. Plus Mercury in Sagittarius sextiles Mars that’s for good communication and speaking your truth.
But the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are conjunct in Sagittarius. Saturn brings a serious perspective, and perhaps a sense of loneliness or pessimism. And the full Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Saturn all square Neptune in Pisces. Under the influence of Neptune, people often feel more spiritual and in touch with emotions. But now is a better time for contemplation, not long-range planning or making firm decisions.
Energy changes the very next day on Thanksgiving, a Fire Horse day that adds liveliness, passion, and extroversion. Horse finds people and crowds exciting, making today an excellent time for socializing. The Moon still in Gemini trines Venus in Libra to enjoy good food and drink, and is very positive for relationships. So continue to enjoy this Fire Pig month!
I have much to be thankful for this holiday season, and am especially thankful to you, my dear readers and supporters of my work that is truly my life’s calling. This spring will be 30 years that I’ve been a professional tarot card reader and astrologer, and I have you to thank.
Gemini full Moon luck is strongest for the Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius and those born in Horse, Dog, and Tiger years. Call me at 415.642.8019 in San Francisco or email susan@susanlevitt.com to schedule your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation.
Happy full Moon,
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