Here are the 2016 Mercury retrograde dates to make your travel plans and other arrangements:
January 5 – 25 in Air sign Aquarius. Good for think tank, new ideas, and networking. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, the best sign for Mercury.
April 28 – May 22 in Earth sign Taurus. Good to review, organize, and stay solid.
August 30 – September 21 in Earth sign Virgo. Mercury is comfortable in its rulership sign Virgo.
December 19 – January 8, 2017 in Earth sign Capricorn. Time to review and organize finances and legacies.
Traditionally in astrology, Mercury retrograde is a time of miscommunication, technology problems, and items lost or misplaced.
But Mercury retrograde during a Monkey year can be ideal to review, rethink, and redo. Monkey year begins on February 8, 2016 new Moon in Aquarius at 6:39 am PT.
Please join me Saturday January 23 at 1:00 pm for my annual Chinese New Year talk at East West Bookshop in Mountain View, California.
Discover how 2016 Fire Monkey energy influences you, your family, community, and the world. Includes your personal fortune for Monkey year, and five elements feng shui tips to welcome magical Monkey!
This event sells out so order tickets by calling East West at 650.988.9800. For general Monkey year info click here.
Happy New Year,
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