January 23, 2016 at 5:46 pm PT is a full Moon in Leo. Time to express yourself under the influence of dynamic Fire sign Leo! So use these last two weeks of Sheep year to create beauty in your environment. Make your home comfy, and make your workplace lovely. Monkey year begins on the new Moon February 8.
Venus, Mercury, and Pluto are all in Earth sign Capricorn to get jobs done, and to make bold moves that complete projects. Fortunately Mars trines Neptune in Waters signs, Jupiter trines Pluto in Earth signs, and Saturn trines Uranus in Fire signs. Focused activities bring results, you can make positive change at your own pace, and still have a creative balance of old and new.
Luck is strongest for Fire signs Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius and those born in Monkey, Dragon, and Rat years.
Please join me Saturday January 23, 2016 at 1:00 pm for my annual Chinese New Year talk at East West Bookshop in Mountain View, California. Discover how 2016 Fire Monkey energy influences you, your family, community, and the world. Includes your personal fortune for Monkey year, and five elements feng shui tips to welcome magical Monkey! I encourage you to call East West at 650.988.9800 to purchase your tickets in advance because the event sells out.
Click here to read about Fire Monkey year. Click here for feng shui tips in Fire Monkey year. Call me at 415.642.8019 or email susan@ susanlevitt.com to schedule your tarot card reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation for Monkey year.
Happy full Moon,
San Francisco, CA
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