Today January 25, 2016 at 1:50 pm PT communication planet MERCURY goes direct (is no longer retrograde) but we can still feel the influence until the new Moon on February 8 starts a new lunar cycle. The upcoming Mercury retrograde cycles in 2016 are:
April 28 – May 22 in Earth sign Taurus. Good to review, organize, and stay solid.
August 30 – September 21 in Earth sign Virgo. Mercury is comfortable in its rulership sign Virgo.
December 19 – January 8, 2017 in Earth sign Capricorn. Time to review and organize finances and legacies.
Traditionally in astrology, Mercury retrograde is a time of miscommunication, technology problems, and items lost or misplaced.
But Mercury retrogrades during 2016 Fire Monkey year are excellent times to stop and slow down to review, rethink, and redo before the next adventure.
Fire Monkey year begins on February 8, 2016 on new Moon in Aquarius at 6:39 am PT.
Good luck,
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