My book Introduction To Tarot is nominated by my publisher for an Icon award from COVR Coalition of Visionary Resources.
Introduction to Tarot is included in The Complete Tarot Kit, but the book can be purchased separately for those who already have tarot cards and only need the book.
Votes equal 40% of the Icon award, and 60% is based on decisions by people who work in the field of visionary resources. Please take a moment to vote here. I appreciate your support.
June 4, 2016 at 7:59 pm PT is a new Moon that begins the month of the Wood Horse. Horse is a yang power animal that matches the energy of this yang Fire Monkey year. Horse is free spirited, independent, and brave. The element Wood brings growth, inspiration, and development. Horse’s earthly branch is Fire, and Wood feeds Fire. All of this is very fortunate. Plus Horse month is excellent for travel, especially short trips.
This Horse month is the time to go for it and pursue goals. Charge ahead and reflect later, a strategy that works well in this risk-taking Monkey year. If you are unable to harness your power and make fast progress in Horse month, another window of opportunity for action will be in August, a Fire Monkey month in Fire Monkey year.
This June 4 new Moon is in the mercurial, fast, and agile Air sign Gemini. This new Moon is in close conjunction with the Sun and Venus. These three planets together bring love, beauty, grace, and charm.
But these three planets in Gemini are part of a grand mutable square with Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Neptune in Pisces. This can bring out the chaotic side of Horse, or the mutable attributes of Gemini. Energy can become overwhelming if you pursue too many ideas (Jupiter), take on too many obligations (Saturn), or chase too many dreams (Neptune).
Plus Mercury in Taurus is opposite Mars in Scorpio for stubborn communication. Fortunately, there is a grand Earth trine between Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto to keep things grounded. And with all this new energy, call me at 415.642.8019 in San Francisco or email susan@susanlevitt.com to schedule your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation.
Happy new Moon,
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