August 7 2017 is a full Moon and lunar eclipse. Eclipses heighten emotion, intuition, and instinct. This full Moon is in Air sign Aquarius for new ideas and ways of communication. It’s fortunate to expand your circle, and is good for new learning.
The Sun conjuncts Mars in Leo for extra energy and courage. But under the influence of Mars, people can be irritable. If this occurs, stay aware of the big picture and not fan any flames.
Fortunately, the Sun sextiles Jupiter in Libra that is lucky for relationships and brings ease with colleagues. The Sun trines Saturn in Sagittarius to organize effectively so that your efforts achieve lasting results.
August 12 to September 5
Traditionally in astrology, Mercury retrograde can be a time of miscommunication, technology problems, and items lost or misplaced. But Mercury retrograde during this Fire Phoenix year can be an excellent time to focus on detailed tasks such as catching up on financial matters, and doing feng shui your home or office.
From August 12 to 30, Mercury is retrograde in Earth sign Virgo. Mercury is comfortable in rulership sign Virgo. This is very good for detailed analysis and review. Plus Phoenix correlates to the western sign Virgo, so 2017 Phoenix year energy works well with Virgo’s cerebral approach.
From August 31 to September 5, Mercury retrogrades back into Fire sign Leo. Communication is direct, and you can cover much ground. Be aware if people become bossy or demanding. Should there be ego disputes, wait out the Mercury retrograde cycle. We still feel the Mercury retrograde influence until the new Moon on September 19 that begins a new lunar cycle.
Good fortune is strongest for Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra and Fire signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries. Contact me for your tarot card reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation.
Happy full Moon,
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