2017 Sagittarius New Moon begins Rat Month

Posted by on Dec 15, 2017 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments


December 17 2017 is a new Moon in Sagittarius. Inspirational Fire sign Sagittarius rules the 9th house of travel, philosophy, and learning. Time to explore and expand your horizons with the new Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn all in Sagittarius. Say yes to new activities, especially after Mercury is no longer retrograde on December 22.

Under the influence of Sagittarius, people enjoy gathering together. So this holiday month is time to lighten up, socialize, and take action. Connecting with others is fortunate to give structure to your ideas, or bring your ideas into reality.


Very fortunate is that the new Moon, Sun, Venus, and Saturn all trine Uranus in Aries making for a very creative time! Uranus brings new discoveries, and an exciting change of pace. You can be flexible with your routine to see events in a new light, or take action with new consciousness. It’s also a powerful time for clear emotional expression, and new freedom in relationships.

More good news is that Mars conjuncts Jupiter, whereby your efforts achieve results. Jupiter, the planet that rule Sagittarius, brings optimism for the future. This conjunction in Scorpio trines Neptune in Pisces to follow your spirit. Pisces stimulates feelings of mercy and compassion. For some, there’s motivation to seek new truth and dive into the mysteries of life.

This new Moon begins the month of the Water Rat, the black Rat. Rats are industrious, intelligent, and can figure a way out of any maze. Focus is back on business and finances during a Rat month.

But this Rat month is different because the element Water shapes the emotions of the black Rat to be more empathetic, and sensitive to the needs of others. Plan for an enjoyable lunar month when Rat’s epicurean, bon vivant sensibility is kindly and easily expressed with so many planets in freedom-loving Sagittarius.


Happy winter solstice! December 21at 8:28 am PST is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere, and the longest night. Winter is a seasonal time of rest — but not in active Rat month during the tail of this Fire Phoenix (Rooster) year!

Luck is strong with so many trines in heaven, especially for Fire signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo and those born in the year of the Rat, Ox, Dragon, and Monkey. To focus your luck, contact me for a tarot reading, astrology forecast for 2018, or a feng shui consultation.

Happy new Moon,


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