2018 Solar Eclipse begins Sheep Month

Posted by on Jul 10, 2018 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments



Solar Eclipse

July 12 2018 is a new Moon in Cancer. Home-loving Water sign Cancer sets the tone for this lunar month. Time to focus on creating a nurturing and pleasant home.

This new Moon is a partial solar eclipse that starts a series of eclipses this summer. Eclipses add power and intensity to emotions, choices, and life direction. This new Moon on July 12, the full Moon on July 27, and the new Moon on August 11 are all eclipses.


Moon and Sun Aspects

The new Moon and Sun in Cancer, and Jupiter in Scorpio, trine Neptune in Pisces. These fortunate trines brings imagination, and understanding of the subconscious mind, for creative and artistic work. You can more easily sense the moods of others, intuition is strong, and feelings are accurate. People can be inspired to take altruistic and compassionate action, especially in this Earth Dog year.

The new Moon and Sun are opposite Pluto in Capricorn during this eclipse. Emotions are strong, and there can be surprisingly intense encounters or power struggles with those in authority. A conflict can reveal the inner workings to see old patterns.


Grand Earth Trine

Keeping relationships grounded is a grand Earth trine of Venus in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. People can appreciate stable relationships, business and professional connections are good, with a balance of old and new. If single, a new romance is unlike anything in the past. If in a partnership, a second honeymoon is timely, especially before Mercury retrograde July 25 – August 18.


Earth Sheep Month  July 12 – August 10

This new Moon begins the month of the Earth Sheep until August 10. Sheep brings peaceful summer energy. During an Earth month, keep focus on earthly matters. Under the influence of artistic Sheep, it’s fortunate to create beauty in your environment.

Contact me for your feng shui consultation, tarot card reading, or astrology forecast. Luck is strongest for Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces and those born in Sheep, Pig, Rabbit, and Horse years.

Happy new Moon,


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