2020 4th of July Full Moon Eclipse

Posted by on Jul 2, 2020 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Full Moon, tarot cards | 0 comments

July 4 2020 at 9:44 pm PDT is a full Moon in Capricorn, with a lunar eclipse at 9:32 pm PDT. This is the third and final eclipse of the summer. Eclipses are an absence of light when the shadow is seen, the time for what is hidden to come to light.

Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of material wealth, career, and status in society. Capricorn Moon is time to focus on practical matters of health, finances, and work. Capricorn also rules societal structures, government, and global wealth.

The eclipsed full Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all in Capricorn, and all three planets are retrograde adding intensity. So blended together are strongly felt emotional issues with the eclipsed Moon, opportunity for change with Jupiter, structural foundation issues with Saturn, and power and wealth challenges with Pluto.

The eclipsed full Moon is opposite the Sun and Mercury in Cancer. (Mercury still retrograde until July 12.) Water sign Cancer’s focus is on emotional security and nurturing, whereas Earth sign Capricorn concerns material security and authority. There can be lack of harmony between personal needs and work obligations.

Fortunately, the eclipsed full Moon trines Uranus in Taurus bringing opportunities to make personal change to live in a new way, and constructive rebellious change to bring social transformation. Plus the Sun trines Neptune in Pisces for increased empathy, understanding, and kindness. Contact me for a tarot reading or astrology forecast about your new life direction.

Also fortunate is Venus in Gemini sextiles Mars in Aries that favors romantic relationships. Jupiter and Pluto sextile Neptune bringing idealism, optimism, and the ability to make a fresh start.

Opportunities for realistic change and transformation are for all, and are strongest for Earth signs Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo and those born in Ox, Rat, Snake, and Phoenix (Rooster) years.

Happy full Moon,


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