2020 Capricorn New Moon begins Gold Ox Month

Posted by on Jan 9, 2021 in Astrology | 0 comments


Sunday January 17 at 2 pm PST join me on Zoom for my 2021 Year of the Metal Ox lecture for Chinese New Year. Tickets are at https://www.eastwestbooks.org/events/ox-year-17jan21. Come with your questions for Ox year about the fortunes for all 12 zodiac signs, and take away New Year feng shui tips.

January 12 2021 at 9:00 pm PST is a new Moon in Capricorn. Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of career and finance, making this a good time to get centered with practical matters. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all together in a planetary stellium. A stellium is a grouping of planets, and this one is in Capricorn and Aquarius bringing focus, innovation, and creative solutions.

Energy is high during this new Moon as Mars conjuncts Uranus in Taurus until February 2. Rash behavior, desire for freedom, and to assert one’s individuality can be done in a constructive way. So this lunar cycle is an auspicious time to innovate and begin a new project that will take much energy.

This new Moon begins Earth Ox lunar month, the kind and empathetic gold Ox. Extreme good fortune blesses the gold Ox. An Ox month is fortunate during a Rat year because Ox and Rat are strong allies. Ox energy brings stability and structure. Ox may be slow but is determined, and what is built will last.

This gold Ox lunar month is excellent for career prospects, and to organize and regroup. Prepare for the next new Moon on February 11 that begins Metal Ox year 2021.

Practical application of sound  principles is for everyone this lunar month, and is most empowering for Earth signs Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo and those born in Rat, Rabbit, Snake, and Phoenix (Rooster) years. Contact me for your astrology forecast for 2021 Ox year, the time to build. Hope to see you at my 2021 Year of the Metal Ox lecture!

Happy new Moon,


Tarot – Astrology – Feng Shui

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