2021 Aquarius Full Moon in Monkey Lunar Month

Posted by on Aug 20, 2021 in Astrology, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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August 22, 2021 is a full Moon in Aquarius at 5:02 am PDT. Air sign Aquarius rules the 11th house of communication, communities, and the connection of all humanity. The full Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius that is very fortunate to expand your circle, and there’s more generosity between friends, family, and coworkers. Plus, there’s still time for big moves and grand gestures during in this lively Fire Monkey month.

Today the Sun enters Virgo, the start of harvest season. There’s much to communicate as Mercury conjuncts Mars in Virgo, bringing mental energy to get right to the point. Virgo favors concise, direct communication. However, try not to be harsh when discussing your point of view.

Mercury and Mars trine Uranus in Taurus bringing innovative ideas and an element of genius. You can handle difficult problems and are not discouraged by obstacles during dauntless Fire Monkey month. New encounters and activities bring unexpected surprises for growth and opportunity that support you to break out of old habits and to succeed.

Mercury and Mars square Neptune in Pisces. There could be Illusions of Monkey grandeur, false hope, or unrealistic goals. Consequences of your past actions do not just go away. If you are feeling discouraged, take time to balance, and focus on tying up loose ends. For guidance, contact me to schedule your tarot reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation.

Luck for bold plans and new concepts is strongest for Air signs Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra and those born in Horse, Dog, Ox, and Snake years.

Happy full Moon,



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