2021 Pisces Full Moon in Phoenix (Rooster) Lunar Month

Posted by on Sep 18, 2021 in Astrology, Uncategorized | 0 comments

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September 20, 2021 at 4:55 pm PDT is a full Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the twelfth house of intuition, dreams, and emotions. Under the influence of Pisces, you may find that people are more empathetic and tuned into their feelings. This full Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces bringing increased sensitivity to your surroundings. After this Full Moon, and during the waning phase, is a fortunate time to make changes in your environment and feather your nest to prepare for autumn’s seasonal change.

September 22 at 12:21 pm PDT is Autumn Equinox, the time of equal balance of light and dark on planet Earth. Autumn in this Ox year is a time of work and diligence because it’s the important harvest time after the labors of Ox year. This full Moon marks the peak of Phoenix (Rooster) lunar month. Ox and Phoenix are very compatible signs, and together are effective at getting things done. The Sun in Virgo and Mars newly in Libra are conjunct for confidence to take the initiative, and brings ease in working independently or with others.

Fortunately, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius that favors business transactions, and is good to make plans and enlarge your scope. There can be a clear understanding of what realistically can and cannot be done. Contact me for your tarot reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation for clarity and to support you to get organized or complete projects before Mercury retrograde in Air sign Libra begins on September 26 until October 18.

Opportunities for strong intuitive experiences and relationship insights are for all, and are deepest for Water signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio and those born in Dog, Sheep, and Pig years.

Happy full Moon,


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