Sept 25, 2022 at 2:54 pm PDT is a new Moon in Libra. Air sign Libra rules the 7th house of marriage and close partnerships. The new Moon and Sun are in Libra to focus on balance in relationships. Emphasis is on romance, creativity, and love this lunar month. In the solar calendar, Sept 22 at 6:04 pm is Autumn Equinox, equal day and equal night, the seasonal time of balance and change when the Sun enters Libra.
The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus all trine Pluto. There can be deep and long-lasting transformation in relationships. Emotions can be intense, sensitivity is heightened, and you can feel things more powerfully. It is rewarding to look within to understand motivations, express yourself more completely, and learn how your words carry influence. Contact me for your tarot or astrology reading for insights into self-expression and relationships.
This new Moon begins the lunar month of the Metal Dog. Dog month is fortunate in this Tiger year because Dog is very compatible with Tiger. Dog values honesty, integrity of character, and doing what is fair and just. The new Moon and Sun are opposite Neptune so stay realistic and don’t exaggerate the truth during this Dog month. In Chinese medicine, this month and next are of the element Metal that rules the lungs. Keep warm and take care of your lungs this autumn.
It’s okay to slow down and be thorough because many planets are retrograde now, including Mercury still retrograde until Oct 2. There’s time to review, redo, and restructure. Luck is strongest for Air signs Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini and those born in Dog, Tiger, Horse, and Rabbit years.
Happy new Moon,
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