Oct 9, 2022 at 1:55 pm is a full Moon in Aries. Fire sign Aries rules the first house of self-image, self-expression, and creative potential. Dynamic Aries is a doer, and now that Mercury is no longer retrograde as of Oct 2, it will be easier to develop and accomplish your goals. Jupiter is in Aries for new growth and opportunities, and to enlarge your scope of activities. Contact me for your tarot reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation to support you with your creative plans and opportunities.
Adding to this good fortune, the Sun in Libra makes a grand Air trine with Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. Your plans can achieve lasting results. Activities can run smoothly, and significant progress can be made. There is confidence to explore new activities, and you can adjust imbalances that may have developed over time.
This full Moon is the peak of Dog lunar month. Honest and ethical Dog has strength of convictions, so it’s important to understand your motivations. In a Dog month, people can be less competitive, more communal, and enjoy a spirit of camaraderie. The Sun conjuncts Venus in Libra to socialize, and Dog loves the pack. There is luck to attract love and money, and it’s an opportune time to beautify your home, bringing balance and prosperity.
New opportunities and energy to take action is for all, and is strongest for Fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; and those born in Dog, Monkey, and Rat years.
Happy full Moon,
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