November 23, 2022 at 2:57 pm PST is new Moon in Sagittarius. Fire sign Sagittarius rules the 9th house of education, philosophy, and travel. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in Sagittarius to explore, have an adventure or two, and enjoy the holiday season. Jupiter goes direct today, adding to the general good fortune. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, enhancing the Sagittarian qualities of independence, direct honesty, and optimistic enthusiasm.
Fortunately, the new Moon and Sun trine Jupiter bringing increased optimism and spirituality. People are eager for new activities and experiences, there’s confidence for creative projects, and travel is highlighted. Jupiter conjuncts Neptune bringing favorable circumstances, increased generosity, and concern for the welfare of others. There can be compassionate understanding, and it is easier to express warmth and affection.
This new Moon begins Water Rat lunar month until December 23. Rats are smart, sharp, and clever. They are natural leaders who think before they act, and therefore are good with money. Water symbolizes money, making this Water Rat lunar month time to focus on financial details. But don’t get lost in work. Do some holiday socializing because Rat loves the pack. Contact me for your tarot card reading, astrology forecast, or feng shui consultation for Rat month.
Wishing you an abundant and magical Thanksgiving. Luck is strongest for Fire signs Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo and those born in Rat, Dragon, Snake, and Monkey years.
Happy new Moon,
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