2023 Pisces New Moon Double Rabbit

Posted by on Feb 17, 2023 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

Feb 19, 2023 is a new Moon in Pisces at 11:06 pm PT. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of intuition, spirituality, and dreams. The new Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all in Pisces bringing artistic creativity and inspiration. Under the influence of sensitive Pisces, there can be more intimacy and understanding of others. People seek experiences to expand the senses and the spirit. Appreciation for art is highly sensitized, especially dance, film, and music.

This lunar month is favorable to adjust your personal feelings with your response to your environment. If you feel emotional bombardment in a busy less-Covid world, focus on taking care of yourself (and others) at home. This new Moon begins the lunar month of the Wood Rabbit in the year of the Water Rabbit. This lunation is fortunate in general because Water is the mother of Wood, meaning that water helps plants to grow.

Gentle Rabbit is the artist of the Chinese zodiac. Luck is with you to beautify your home and create your own charmed environment. This spring, pursue interests you have in the arts, and that includes the healing arts. If you’re already involved in creative projects, this double Rabbit month is ideal to take your work to the next level. Plus, Venus conjuncts Neptune in late degrees of Pisces bringing a sense of spirituality and selflessness in relationships. People are more idealistic, and imagination is activated to enjoy the beauty in all things.

No planets are in retrograde until mid April, therefore life can flow with fewer obstacles. Cultivate your creative seeds now, and let growth  take time because the new Moon and Sun in Pisces conjunct Saturn (in late Aquarius). There could be responsibilities or duties that you feel obligated to fulfill. So remember to place your health first in this Water Rabbit year. Contact me for your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation for clarity.

Development of sensitivity and creativity is for all, and is most strongly felt by Water signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio and those born in Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, and Pig years.

Happy new Moon,

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