Everyone is interested in prosperity! This issue of Feng Shui Journal focused on wealth and prosperity. My article tailors the information to each astrology sign.
Fall 1999, Vol. 5, No. 3
Pages 32, 33, 34, and 36
The twelve Chinese animal signs, the “twelve earthly branches,” are an astrological system unique in the entire world. The twelve animal signs multiplied by the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood create a sixty-year cycle of animals. We can create abundance for all sixty animal signs by applying feng shui principles and observing abundant dates in the lunar calendar. You can order a We’Moon lunar calendar by calling toll free 877-693-6666.
The year you were born determines your character and animal sign. Discover your animal sing by finding your year of birth on the following chart. If you were born in January or February, the chart may be inaccurate because Chinese new year begins on the second new moon after winter solstice, not January 1.
Rat: 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Ox: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
Tiger: 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
Hare: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
Dragon: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
Serpent: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Horse: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026
Sheep: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027
Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028
Phoenix: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029
Dog: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030
Boar: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031
RAT – The first earthly branch occurs when yang chi emerges during winter solstice. The yang sun starts to return and the days grow longer. This is the time of cold and snow, when seeds deep in the soil begin germination. This first earthly branch represents December, the eleventh month in the Chinese lunar calendar. December is the time of Sagittarius, Rat’s western counterpart. Since this is the first earthly branch, the ability to be first in all things is a Rat trait.
The best years for Rat abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Dragon, Serpent, and Monkey years. Rat’s most abundant months are the third, seventh, and twelfth lunar months. Rat’s most abundant days are the eleventh day of the seventh lunar month and the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar months. A bad day for Rats and an unfortunate day for marriage is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. When figuring these dates, remember that the first lunar month starts on Chinese new year, the second new moon after winter solstice.
Ba-gua focus for Rat abundance emphasizes the Water career gua and the Wind wealth gua because clever Rat thrives on success. Rat’s earthly branch is of the element Water, so it is important that Rat’s work brings fulfillment. Rat abundance is the result of being the first in all things and application of Rat ingenuity and intelligence. Rats tend to hoard, especially the yellow earth Rat, so remove clutter from all ba-gua locations to unblock chi.
OX – The second earthly branch occurs when yin chi disappears completely and is replaced by yang chi. the seed struggles to sprout and break from the earth. This determination and perseverance in struggle are Ox qualities. The second earthly branch represents January, the twelfth lunar month. January is the time of Capricorn, Ox’s western counterpart.
The best years for Ox abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Rat, Serpent, and Phoenix years. Ox’s most abundant months are the fourth, eighth, and eleventh lunar months. Ox’s most abundant days are the eighth day of the fourth lunar month and the eleventh day of the eleventh lunar month. A bad day for Ox and an unfortunate day for marriage is the sixth day of the sixth lunar month.
Abundance for honest Ox results from stabilizing the Water career gua, but for different reasons than Rat. Ox diligently applies much energy to completing tasks. In a competitive work environment, Ox may be overlooked when promotions are given to clever Rats and Monkeys or dynamic Dragons and Tigers. To guarantee that Ox is rewarded for hard work, a solid and balanced Water career gua is helpful. Family abundance is also very important to Ox, so the Thunder family gua and the Lake children gua should be embellished.
TIGER – The third earthly branch occurs as yang chi develops. The new sprout bursts with life force and vitality. Those born in a Tiger year share the same positive and upward-reaching qualities as a growing sprout. The third earthly branch represents February, the first lunar month. February is the time of Aquarius, Tiger’s western counterpart.
The best years for Tiger abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Horse, Dog, and Boar years. Tiger’s most abundant months are the first, ninth, and tenth lunar months. Tiger’s most abundant days are the fifth day of the first or ninth lunar month, and the tenth day of the tenth lunar month. A bad day for Tigers and an unfortunate day for marriage is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
Bagua focus to create abundance for Tiger emphasizes the Lake children gua to encourage development of artistic creative expression. (In this sense, children also means what we create as if our works of art are children.) A Tiger who is not free to express creatively is like a Tiger in a cage. Because Tiger can act impulsively without reflection, embellishment of the Mountain knowledge gua is also helpful to develop abundance of inner wisdom.
HARE (Rabbit) – The fourth earthly branch occurs as yang chi continues to be strong. Plants grow effortlessly and quickly in warm spring light. The gentle qualities of springtime are traits of those born in Hare year. The fourth earthly branch represents March, the second lunar month. March is the time of Pisces, Hare’s western counterpart.
The best years for Hare abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Sheep, Dog, and Boar years. Hare’s most abundant months are the sixth, ninth, and tenth lunar months. Hare’s most abundant days are the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and the second day of the tenth lunar month. A bad day for Hares and an unfortunate day for marriage is the eighth day of the eighth lunar month.
Bagua focus to create abundance for peace-loving Hare emphasizes the Earth relationship gua. Hare desires refinement and harmony in all interactions with others. Hare becomes upset, even ill, when others do not behave in a gracious and harmonious manner. By cultivating the peaceful qualities of the yin and fertile Earth, Hare can create a charmed circle of partners, friends, family, and co-workers. To be loved and appreciated is what a Hare considers abundance.
DRAGON – The fifth earthly branch occurs when yang chi is robust. Plants grow vigorously. This powerful and robust chi characterizes those born in the year of the Dragon. The fifth earthly branch represents April, the third lunar month. April is the time of Aries, Dragon’s western counterpart.
The best years for Dragon abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Rat, Monkey, and Phoenix years. Dragon’s most abundant months are the third, seventh, eighth, and eleventh lunar months. Dragon’s most abundant days are the eleventh day of the seventh lunar month and the eighth day of the eighth lunar month. A bad day for Dragons and an unfortunate day for marriage is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.
Bagua focus for mighty Dragon’s abundance emphasizes the Fire fame gua and includes the color red in the environment. Mighty Dragon desires acclaim and respect from everyone who orbits their world. The wood element should be enhanced in their environment because wood is Dragon’s earthly branch and wood feeds fire, helping Dragon to succeed and attain the recognition that Dragon commands. Strong wood is an absolute necessity for the green wood Dragon.
SERPENT – The sixth earthly branch occurs as yang chi peaks and then becomes yin. Plants have completed their growth. This turning point brings the outward growth inward, turning vigor and power into wisdom. These characteristics are reflected in those born in the year of the Serpent. The sixth earthly branch symbolizes May, the fourth lunar month. May is the time of Taurus, Serpent’s western counterpart.
The best years for Serpent abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Ox, Monkey, and Phoenix years. Serpent’s most abundant months are the fourth, seventh, eighth, and twelfth lunar months. Serpent’s most abundant days are the eighth day of the fourth lunar month and the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. A bad day for Serpents and an unfortunate day for marriage is the tenth day of the tenth lunar month.
Bagua focus to create abundance for contemplative Serpent emphasizes the Mountain knowledge gua. If this gua of life is cultivated, wise Serpent can develop the innate awareness to act in harmony with the Tao. To create a void in which to place new understanding – the hollow cave of the Mountain – Serpent must shed the skins of the past. The Thunder family gua is important for Serpent because the shedding of skin symbolizes the next generation and the importance of what we learn from our elders that we pass on to our children. Serpents must remove clutter often. They tend to place clutter on stairways and block the mouth of chi to rooms, creating an environment that only a serpent can slither through to enter. The Fire fame gua must be controlled and modulated for summer-born Serpents to curb ruthless behavior. Abundance of Fire for them can lead to calamity.
HORSE – The seventh earthly branch occurs when there is still relatively powerful yang chi, but yin chi starts to settle. The sun is brightest and the plants are strong, having reached maturity. Those born in Horse year possess a sunny disposition and are bright, open, and cheerful. The seventh earthly branch symbolizes June, the fifth lunar month. June is the time of Gemini, Horse’s western counterpart.
The best years for Horse abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Tiger, Sheep, and Dog years. Horse’s most abundant months are the first, sixth, and ninth lunar months. Horse’s most abundant days are the fifth day of the ninth lunar month and the sixth day of the sixth lunar month. A bad day for Horses and an unfortunate day for marriage is the eleventh day of the eleventh lunar month.
Bagua focus to create abundance for expressive Horse emphasizes the Lake children gua to help Horse have more fun and enjoy life in a free, childlike manner. Horse often succeeds after others intervene to offer guidance, so focus on the Heaven helpful people gua is also important for Horse, especially during youth. Horse’s earthly branch is the element fire so development of the wood element helps brighten Horse’s natural fiery soul essence. Yet for those born in the year of the red fire Horse, the fire element is best if modified. This type of Horse benefits greatly from developing the Mountain knowledge gua.
SHEEP – The eighth earthly branch occurs when the mature plant bears fruit all is peaceful, and yin increases. This gentle, peaceful, yin nature is the core of Sheep’s nature. The eighth earthly branch symbolizes July, the sixth lunar month. July is the time of Cancer, Sheep’s western counterpart.
The best years for Sheep abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Hare, Horse, and Boar years. Sheep’s most abundant months are the fifth, sixth, and tenth lunar months. Sheep’s most abundant days are the second day of the tenth lunar month and the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. A bad day for Sheep and an unfortunate day for marriage is the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month.
Bagua focus for kind and gentle Sheep’s abundance emphasizes overall balance of all eight bagua locations. Being a peaceful flock animal, the Earth relationship gua is important to the Sheep individual. Sheep have a natural capacity to understand Thunder family because lambs demonstrate correct reverence for elders when they kneel before their mother to nurse. Sheep also have an affinity for Mountain knowledge because Sheep enjoy solitary reflective movements to restore their soul and find peace. Those born in the gray water Sheep year are bettered when the Heaven helpful people gua is strengthened as they benefit from strong guidance.
MONKEY – The ninth earthly branch occurs when crops are ready to harvest. That is why Monkeys naturally have so many developed talents and abilities. The ninth branch symbolizes August, the seventh lunar month. August is the time of Leo, Monkey’s western counterpart.
The best years for Monkey abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Rat, Dragon, and Serpent years. Monkey’s most abundant months are the third, fourth, seventh, and tenth lunar months. Monkeys most abundant days are the eleventh day of the seventh lunar month and the fourth day of the fourth lunar month. A bad day for Monkeys and an unfortunate day for marriage is the first day of the first lunar month.
Bagua focus for Monkey’s abundance is similar to Dragon’s. Emphasis is on the Fire fame gua! Embellishments include much use of the color red and large mirrors. Individualist Monkey is successful in life and can achieve much abundance regardless of obstacles. The more fame and recognition that inspired Monkeys receive for their wild schemes and innovative concepts, the more they are inspired to achieve and create. Also of importance is the position opposite Fire fame in the King Wen bagua arrangement; the gua of Water career. Monkeys apply more of their ingenious wit and dynamic energy to a career that they find personally satisfying.
PHOENIX (Rooster) – The tenth earthly branch occurs during harvest as yang chi is weakened but yin chi is strengthened and rejuvenated. Satisfactions for work well done and potential for rejuvenation characterize those born in the year of the Phoenix. The tenth earthly branch symbolizes September, the eighth lunar month. September is the time of Virgo, Phoenix’s western counterpart.
The best years for Phoenix abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Ox, Dragon, and Serpent years. Phoenix’s most abundant months are the third, fourth, eight, and twelfth lunar months. Phoenix’s most abundant days are the eighth day of the fourth lunar month and the third day of the third lunar month. A bad day for Phoenix and an unfortunate day for marriage is the second day of the second lunar month.
Bagua focus for Phoenix’s abundance emphasizes the Wind wealth gua. Acquiring, spending, and investing money offers Phoenix a sense of security and power. Once Phoenixes feels secure, they can make a powerful contribution to humanity as healers and helpers. Because Phoenix’s eccentric personality can clash with others, embellishment of the Earth relationship gua helps ease the path to harmonious interactions, especially with co-workers. Learning to interact peaceably with others is most important for the purple fire Phoenix.
DOG – The eleventh earthly branch occurs as plants wither, animals prepare for winter, and yin chi gains strength. This ability to diligently prepare and be responsible are qualities of those born in the year of the Dog. The eleventh earthly branch symbolizes October, the ninth lunar month. October is the time of Libra, Dog’s western counterpart.
The best years for Dog abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Tiger, Hare, and Horse years. Dog’s most abundant months are the first, fifth, and ninth lunar months. Dog’s best day is the fifth day of the first lunar month. A bad day for Dogs and an unfortunate day for marriage is the third day of the third lunar month.
Bagua focus for Dog’s abundance emphasizes the Water career location because Dogs believe passionately in what they do. If a Dog is compromised in their career choice, they suffer until this is corrected. The red fire Dog and the white metal Dog can temper fanaticism by cultivating the element Water. Also of importance for Dog is the Thunder family gua which inspires Dog’s sense of loyalty. Metal is Dog’s earthly branch so symbolic representation of metal is important in all Dogs’ environments. Even the white metal “iron Dog” is supported by metal representation.
BOAR (Pig) – The twelfth earthly branch occurs as yin chi strengthens externally and yang chi is hidden within. Earth is at rest in winter, and a sense of peacefulness is prevalent. Love of rest and cultivation of peace are Boar qualities. The twelfth earthly branch symbolizes November, the tenth lunar month. November is the time of Scorpio, Boar’s western counterpart.
The best years for a Boar abundance, to marry, have a child, or expect doors of opportunity to open are Tiger, Hare, and Sheep years. Dog’s most abundant months are the first, sixth, and tenth lunar months. Boar’s most abundant days are the first day of the first lunar month, and the sixth day of both the sixth and tenth lunar months. A bad day for Boars and an unfortunate day for marriage is the fourth day of the fourth lunar month.
Bagua focus to create abundance for kind-hearted Boar emphasizes the Heaven helpful people gua so that Boar can find support from others and not be taken advantage of. Like Hare, Boar should also emphasize the Earth relationship gua to create a special intimate circle of kind partners, friends, family, and co-workers who will cherish Boar. Like Sheep, emphasize overall balance of every bagua position because all Boars can be indulgent when moderation is required, especially the golden earth Boar and the gray water Boar.
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