2025 New Moon in Aquarius begins Wood Snake Year
The new Moon on Jan 29, 2025 at 4:36 AM PST begins the year of the Snake. Lunar New Year is a spring festival that begins on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice, when the Sun and new Moon are conjunct in Aquarius.
Snake is a symbol of wisdom, making Snake year the time to coil up, contemplate, and reflect. 2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. Of the five Taoist elements Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood, the element Wood symbolizes growth. This Wood Snake year offers the unique opportunity to quickly shed skins of the past, creatively express what is in the shadows, and move forward covering much ground.
Snake is naturally intuitive, elegant, and mystical. Focus is on the inner world, spiritual exploration, and new depths in relationships. Snake’s power is to quietly yet strongly pursue ambitions. Yang Wood is a pine tree. Yin Wood is bamboo. Snake is a Yin animal who benefits from being flexible like bamboo, and adapting to change.
Snake year is important to shed your skin, meaning pare down material goods to your best possessions, such as a capsule collection wardrobe. This summer, truly clean out like Swedish Death Cleaning. (Google it.) Snake year is the opportune time for a massive cleaning resulting in less stress, less chaos, and the ability to focus like a cobra. Good feng shui is mandatory in this Snake year to live in a clean, organized space.
And with beauty. The artisans and artists of the Chinese zodiac are Rabbit, Snake, and Sheep. Therefore, this is a year to create art. If interested in the magical arts, this is your year to learn tarot with my The Complete Tarot Kit.
Thank you to everyone who joined me for my online talk 2025 YEAR OF THE WOOD SNAKE that was on Jan 12. Recordings are available for purchase. Please make the $25 payment on Zelle. Find me by my email address susan@susanlevitt.com. Then email me that your payment was made. If you do not have Zelle, then use Paypal at the link below.
People born in Snake years (2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929) are sensitive, powerful, and creative souls. They are both intelligent and intuitive, making them naturally strategic. Some Snakes enjoy a quiet spiritual life, while others are more outwardly determined and strive for success. Snakes are often a mix of both, spending part of life engaged in worldly success and the other part engaged in the realm of spirituality. The fields of shamanism, midwifery, and hospice are often attractive to Snakes because of their innate powers of perception and depth of understanding.
Snake loves and appreciates beauty. Therefore, creativity in the arts can flourish. This is the year to support all artists, and become an artisan or artist yourself if that has been a life goal. The mystical nature of Snake makes it a fortunate time to learn divination and magical arts. Mystical Snake can be a loner, so gather with others in spiritual and creative activities. Do not hibernate, even during winter. A Wood year is time to be engaging and grow with others, to become involved in a spiritual community, or enjoy spiritual past times such as yoga. Snake is most compatible with another Snake, Ox, Monkey, or Phoenix (Rooster, Chicken).
The Element Wood
2025 is the year of the Wood Snake. In Chinese Medicine, the element Wood rules the live and gall bladder. So watch out to not drink too much alcohol, especially for milder Yin animal signs such as Rabbit and Sheep. This is a year to heal your liver, reduce alcohol consumption, and have an eye exam.
Summer is the strongest season in a Snake year because Snake’s earthly branch is Fire. The best months in Snake year are May, August, September, and January. The element Wood empowers Fire Snake born in 1977 and Wood Snake born in 1965.
To learn more about Snake year, contact me to schedule your personal astrology forecast for 2025 that includes both your Western charts and Chinese Four Pillars charts. Follow my Lunar Astrology Newsletter and read my book Taoist Astrology to know more about the Wood Snake.
Your Fortune in Snake Year
Rat (Mouse)
Birth years of the Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.
Next year of the Rat is 2032.
Rat’s realistic common-sense approach and practicality will be rewarded and bring success this year. So stay steady. Expect a sobering year when Rat must limit the grandiosity of the previous Dragon year and adjust to living more simply. You are naturally good with money, so take care to not overspend or overextend. Your best months are January, April, August, and December. Your best season is winter.
Ox (Buffalo, Cow)
Birth years of the Ox: 1913, 1925, 1937,1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.
Next year of the Ox is 2033.
There are opportunities to enjoy a very good year because Snake and Ox are highly compatible. A time for renewed power, expansion, and good luck. Anticipate much growth in this Wood year, and no longer being stuck. But Ox must tread lightly and avoid being the subject of gossip, scandal, or secrets. Your best months are January, May, September, and December. Your best season is winter.
Birth years of the Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022.
Next year of the Tiger is 2034.
Anticipate opportunities for healing and to create balance after high energy Dragon year 2024. Travel is highlighted, and this Snake year is an outstanding time for a relaxing vacation to unwind. Get organized, but keep your ideas and plans quiet in a Snake year. Your comeback is next year in 2026 Fire Horse. Your best months are February, June, October, and November. Your best season is autumn.
Rabbit (Hare, Cat)
Birth years of the Rabbit: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.
Next year of the Rabbit is 2035.
A year to express your artistic creativity, especially in the healing arts. But stay balanced should unexpected events occur, including a change in residence or occupation. Maintain your love of peace and tranquility. Rabbit does best by remaining neutral and not getting wrapped up in Snake-year intrigues. Your best months are March, July, October, and November. Spring is your best season.
Birth years of the Dragon: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012.
Next year of the Dragon is 2036.
Good luck and positive acclaim can continue from the previous Dragon year, especially in your career. But personal relationship issues concerning boundaries and responsibilities must be given attention. Problematic relationships will be healed or ended in this Snake year. So either make amends, or fly on. You are the Dragon, whereas Snake is the Little Dragon. Your best months are April, August, September, and December. Spring is your best season.
Birth years of the Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.
Next year of the Snake is 2037.
This Snake year starts a new 12-year life cycle for you, especially for Snakes who have been hibernating. There will be opportunities for good fortune, especially in the arts. This is your year to focus on your creative interests. Much can be accomplished without risk on your part, finances are stable, and relationships are harmonious. In public maintain a pleasant attitude. Your best months are January, April, May and September. Your best season is summer.
Birth years of the Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.
Next year of the Horse is 2026.
If challenged about your independent nature because Snake can be clingy, do not let anyone fence you in. This busy year is exciting, but could involve some difficulties from partners, delays in business, and general frustration. Should a new romance develop, it’s likely to be short-lived. So stay strong, and don’t allow anyone to boss you around. Next year is your year 2026 Fire Horse when you start a new 12-year life cycle. Your best months are February, June, July, and October. Your best season is summer.
Sheep (Goat, Ram)
Birth years of the Sheep: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.
Next year of the Sheep is 2027.
Enjoy a fun year of travel, interesting communication, and amusing activities. And an elevated interest in the arts. But all these festivities may be beyond Sheep’s budget, giving Sheep too many opportunities to “eat paper.” So watch your finances. It’s fortunate for Sheep to devote time for inner reflection and meditation, especially in a Snake year. Your best months are March, June, July, and November. Your best season is summer. Winter can be hard for Sheep.
Birth years of the Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.
Next year of the Monkey is 2028.
Expect opportunities that Monkeys can work to their advantage. Snake and Monkey are very compatible. Snake wisdom coupled with Monkey guile create an unbeatable team. If faced with emotional difficulties, friends and family can be supportive, nurturing, and a source of inspiration for you. Your best months are April, May, August, and December. Your best season is autumn.
Phoenix (Rooster, Chicken, Bird)
Birth years of the Phoenix: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.
Next year of the Phoenix is 2029.
Enjoy an interesting and creative year for you because Snake and Phoenix are highly compatible. This is your time to shine, and your self expression is rewarded. Events seem to go your way so you don’t have to fight for what you want, although there could be some minor complications in business. Your best months are January, April, May, and September. Your best season is autumn.
Birth years of the Dog: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.
Next year of the Dog is 2030.
Success is indicated in home and business, as this is a good year of soul searching that leads to satisfying answers. Snake’s influence brings philosophizing, questioning, and debating which Dog enjoys. Your luck will be stronger in 2026 Horse year. Your best months are February, March, June, and October. Your best season is autumn.
Pig (Boar)
Birth years of the Pig: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.
Next year of the Pig is 2031.
Could be a year with some setbacks and romantic difficulties because Snake is opposite Pig in the 12-year cycle. Business may be steady but romance could be unrewarding and complicated. And Pig likes simple. So avoid getting involved in the difficulties of others. Your best months are February, March, July, and November. Your best seasons are autumn and winter.
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