2024 Aquarius Super Blue Moon in Monkey Month
2024 Aquarius Super Blue Moon in Monkey Month Aug 19, 2024 at 11:26 am PT is a super blue full Moon. A super Moon is when a full Moon is closest to the Earth, appearing bigger and brighter in the night sky. Blue Moons can be the second full Moon in a month, or the third of four full Moons in a single season. This is a seasonal blue Moon because it is the third full Moon between Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox. This super blue Moon is in Air sign Aquarius, ruler of the eleventh house of friendship, social groups, and media communications. Aquarians are unique and independent thinkers who...
Read More2024 Capricorn Full Moon in Horse Lunar Month
June 21, 2024 at 6:08 pm PT is a full Moon in Capricorn. Earth sign Capricorn rules the tenth house of career, social involvement, and your place in society. This full Moon, and as the Moon wanes for the next two weeks, is a good time to deal with practical matters and to make realistic long-range plans. Contact me for your tarot or astrology consultation for guidance. The eve of this full Moon is Summer Solstice on June 20 at 1:51 pm PT. Summer Solstice is the longest day in the northern hemisphere when the Sun leaves Air sign Gemini to enter Water sign Cancer. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus...
Read More2021 Pisces Full Moon in Phoenix (Rooster) Lunar Month
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. September 20, 2021 at 4:55 pm PDT is a full Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the twelfth house of intuition, dreams, and emotions. Under the influence of Pisces, you may find that people are more empathetic and tuned into their feelings. This full Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces bringing increased sensitivity to your surroundings. After this Full Moon, and during the waning phase, is a fortunate time to make changes in your environment and feather your nest to prepare for...
TAURUS NEW MOON begins two METAL SNAKE MONTHS April 22 – June 19 2020 April 22 at 7:26 pm PDT is a new Moon in Taurus that begins Metal Snake lunar month. The next new Moon on May 22 at 10:39 am PDT is a new Moon in Gemini that begins the second Metal Snake month in a row. This is because 2020 is both a solar and a lunar leap year. In Western lunar astrology, there will be two Cancer new Moons in June and July. In Chinese lunar astrology, there will be two Snake new Moons in April and May bringing many opportunities to shed the skins of the past, pare down, and simplify! Snake is...
Read More2019 Gemini Full Moon in Rat Month
December 11 2019 is a full Moon in Gemini. Air sign Gemini rules the 3rd house of mind, ideas, and communication. The full Moon is opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, a mutable sign that like Gemini enjoys change, travel, and adventure. It’s a great time to be social, and attend holiday events during winter of this Pig year. Plus this full Moon marks the peak of Rat month. Rat is happy to chat, network, and socialize away the evenings. The full Moon and Sun square Neptune in Pisces. Water sign Pisces brings plenty of creativity, but it’s not the time for big life-changing decisions....
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