2018 Happy New Year Full Moon
FULL MOON in CANCER Jan 1 2018 is a full Moon in Cancer. Water sign Cancer is caring and sensitive, so great for a heart-felt celebration to welcome the New Year! Plus this full Moon is a super Moon, meaning it will appear larger and brighter than usual in the night sky. Extremely fortunate is that this new Moon creates a four-planet grand Water trine with Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Energy is high, people are warm and friendly, and now is an excellent time for making spiritual or emotional connections. No planets are in Air signs so perhaps not the best time for...
A Blue Moon is 2 full Moons in one month of the Gregorian calendar. So the May 21 full Moon in Sagittarius is not a Blue Moon according to that definition. But an older interpretation of a Blue Moon is 4 full Moons during a solar cycle (between an Equinox and a Solstice, or between a Solstice and an Equinox). Now is the 4th full Moon between Spring Equinox on March 19 and Summer Solstice June 20 in 2016, so this does qualify as a Blue Moon in the older astronomical meaning. Happy full Moon!
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