2022 Capricorn New Moon begins Ox Lunar Month
December 23, 2022 at 2:17 am PST is a new Moon in Capricorn. Earth sign Capricorn rules the tenth house of career, finances, and the practical matters of life. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are all in Capricorn providing the opportunity this lunar month to be realistic, disciplined, and responsible. You can focus on practical achievements, persistence, and completion of projects. Venus trines Uranus in sensual Taurus to restructure your daily routine and open to new experiences. Unexpected holiday relationships are exciting and stimulating so join the festivities. December 21...
Read More2022 Capricorn Super Moon in Sheep Month
July 13, 2022 at 11:37 am PDT is a full Moon in Capricorn. This is a super Moon that will appear larger and brighter in the night sky. Earth sign Capricorn rules the tenth house of career, social contribution, and your status in society. Now, and as the Moon wanes, is ideal to get grounded, be practical, and make long-range plans. Contact me for your tarot or astrology reading for insights. This full Moon is opposite the Sun and Mercury in Cancer. People can have opposing viewpoints, so maintain balance between your Capricorn professional life and your Cancer home life. This full Moon is the...
Read More2021 Capricorn Full Moon in Ox Year
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. June 24, 2021 is a full Moon in Capricorn at 11:40 am PDT. Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of career, social contribution, public image, and your status in society. Capricorn correlates to the Chinese astrology sign Ox. Like Capricorn, Ox is ethical, hardworking, and dependable. During this Capricorn full Moon in Ox year, and the two waning weeks of this lunar cycle, it’s an ideal time to refocus on career, organize your finances, and catch up on practical matters. The...
Read More2020 Capricorn New Moon begins Gold Ox Month
Sunday January 17 at 2 pm PST join me on Zoom for my 2021 Year of the Metal Ox lecture for Chinese New Year. Tickets are at https://www.eastwestbooks.org/events/ox-year-17jan21. Come with your questions for Ox year about the fortunes for all 12 zodiac signs, and take away New Year feng shui tips. January 12 2021 at 9:00 pm PST is a new Moon in Capricorn. Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of career and finance, making this a good time to get centered with practical matters. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all together in a planetary stellium. A...
Read More2020 4th of July Full Moon Eclipse
July 4 2020 at 9:44 pm PDT is a full Moon in Capricorn, with a lunar eclipse at 9:32 pm PDT. This is the third and final eclipse of the summer. Eclipses are an absence of light when the shadow is seen, the time for what is hidden to come to light. Earth sign Capricorn rules the 10th house of material wealth, career, and status in society. Capricorn Moon is time to focus on practical matters of health, finances, and work. Capricorn also rules societal structures, government, and global wealth. The eclipsed full Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all in Capricorn, and all three planets are...
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