Posts Tagged "DIY parrot toys"

Homemade Parrot Toys

Posted by on Aug 20, 2013 in Animals, Astrology | 2 comments

Homemade Parrot Toys

Today I took off from my usual day of doing tarot readings and casting horoscopes to join my friend Chan Quach, Chan the Bird Man, flying his parrots Bella and Rudy in Dolores Park in San Francisco. Chan trained the birds in free flight, similar to the art of falconry. Chan’s done a brilliant job with them. He trains then with discipline, and tames them with love. In this picture, Chan is kissing Bella, a scarlet macaw. In my pic Rudy, a green wing macaw, is leaning in for more kisses! Under Chan’s protective care, Rudy and Bella are strikingly beautiful to see in flight. They...

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