December 15 – 21, 2014 THE WEEK IN CHINESE ASTROLOGY
Highlights this week are a festive double Pig Thursday, and a new Moon at 5:36 pm PT on Sunday that begins Fire Rat month on Winter Solstice — the longest night of the year! Mon Dec 15 is Metal MONKEY (white Monkey) day. Many lunar aspects: Moon squares Venus, trines Mars, is opposite Uranus, and squares Pluto so emotions can be erratic, especially on a Monkey day. Fortunately Sun conjunct Mercury trines Jupiter for fresh ideas and inspiration. Uranus square Pluto brings out the rebel in Monkey so not a day to conform or follow the rules. Monkey day luck strong for Monkey, Rat, Dragon,...
Read MoreNov 25 – Dec 1, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology
The Week in Chinese Astrology to Plan Your Week! Highlights this week are a lucky Monkey Tuesday, a grateful Earth Dog Thanksgiving, and a double Pig festive Friday! Mon Nov 25 is a Wood Sheep day that’s fortunate in this Water Pig month. Sheep is best friends with Pig (along with Rabbit). They love peace, harmony, and all things beautiful. Waning half Moon for balance and to get organized. Venus trines Mars for luck in love and general ease in relationships. The Moon is opposite Neptune for insightful dreams, or perhaps odd moods. The Moon trines Pluto for good Feng Shui improvements that...
Read MoreDouble Pig Full Moon!
DOUBLE PIG FULL MOON! Sunday November 17 at 7:16 am PST is a full Moon in the sensuous Earth sign Taurus. Eat drink and be merry! Then do it again because it’s a DOUBLE PIG full Moon — a Fire Pig day during this Water Pig month. Pig loves to party so now is superb to indulge a bit, and have some very good times! Astrologically, there are many fortunate trines that brings ease and pleasure today. The full Moon trines Mars for strength and courage. The Sun trines Jupiter for luck. Mercury trines Neptune for creative communication. And Jupiter trines Saturn so the old is fine with...
Read MoreNov 4 – 10, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology
Highlights this week are a luxurious double Pig Tuesday, Jupiter goes retrograde Wednesday, and a big Metal Dragon (white Dragon) Sunday when Mercury goes direct! Mon Nov 4 – Wood Dog day for honesty, fairness, and truth of emotions. Moon squares Neptune so more aware of subconscious, plus increased sensitivity to your surroundings. Fortunately Mercury trines Neptune bringing creative imagination, and the idealism that Dog loves. Dog day luck is strong for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, and Horse and during Dog hours 7 – 9 pm. Tues Nov 5 – Double Pig day; a Wood Pig day in a Water Pig...
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