In the We’Moon lunar calendar is an excerpt from one of my poems for the week of June 22 2020. The original poem included a stanza about a parrot, hence the title. The art with my poem is by ancestress Rebecca Tidewalker. It’s synchronicity that the woman looks like me, and I even wear a beret. People thought I posed for her! KISSED A PARROT In a dream I rested at a mermaid statue and saw her chin move. She held an old Book of Shadows. “Sagittarius on the midheaven means good fortune,” she read from the blackened pages. I dared not argue. After a time I thought to ask what...
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November 2017 is the month of the Dog in Chinese astrology. Dog traits are honesty, integrity, and speaking up for the underdog. The truth is sniffed out, and injustice is exposed. During this Dog month, women have come forward to openly speak about sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. And people believe the women, instead of placing shame and blame for wearing the wrong clothing, saying no when she really meant yes, or other insane justifications. Tarana Burke started the hashtag #MeToo on Twitter to publicize these experiences and to demonstrate the massive amounts of mysogynist...
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