2020 Leo Full Moon in Rat Year
February 8 2020 is a full Moon in Leo. Fire sign Leo rules the 5th house of creativity and children. The full Moon trines Mars in Sagittarius bringing vitality and courage to take action. Venus, newly in Aries, adds Fire and excitement. And in this Tiger month, it can feel like it’s time to pounce. But not too far! Take things in small digestible bites in this Rat year. Small bites, like a mouse. Then you won’t become overwhelmed or caught up in a rat race. Everyone starts a new life cycle in this Rat year. So make your plans now, do a small bit every day towards your goal, and reward...
Read MoreFeng Shui for Chinese New Year of the Rat 2020
FENG SHUI for 2020 METAL RAT Year Create good luck in Rat year. No need to get caught in the rat race! Feng shui is part of Chinese medicine whereby health can be restored and maintained in a balanced and peaceful environment. 2020 and 2021 are Metal years. In feng shui, the element Metal is represented by the clean, pristine environment that shines like real metal. Regardless of the lucky element in your birth chart, everyone benefits by developing the element Metal for the next two years. Join me for my 2020 Year of the Metal Rat talk! Sunday January 26 2020 2:00 – 4:00 PM East West...
Read More2019 Virgo Full Moon Peak of Fire Tiger Month
February 19 2019 is a full Moon in Virgo. Earth sign Virgo brings analytical discernment to make detailed plans, yet see the big picture. Fortunately, the Virgo full Moon trines both Mars and Uranus to assert yourself, and get things done. Follow up with contacts, and complete what you can, before Mercury retrograde begins on March 5 until March 28. This full Moon marks the peak of the Fire Tiger month. Dynamic Tiger energy is very helpful, bringing courage to take action for advancement. In this Fire tiger month, instincts are sharpened and people can be more perceptive. You can get right...
PIG YEAR CHARM What is the best charm for 2019 Pig year? A TIGER charm! You want the full body charm, not just a Tiger head. But no Tiger charm if you were born in Monkey year because Monkey is opposite Tiger. Pig is most compatible with Pig’s harmony trine of artistic and sensitive like-minded souls Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep. Tiger is the one other animal sign who is Pig’s ally outside Pig’s harmony trine. Each year, the lucky charm is the animal sign who is the ally, but not in the harmony trine. Charms can be worn as jewelry, attached to a handbag, worn in your pocket, or placed...
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Happy New Year of the Earth Pig! Create good luck with good feng shui! 2019 is an Earth year, so time to focus on earthly matters such as health, food, home, and other material concerns. During an Earth year, create a warm, cozy, and inviting environment so you can live comfortably. There won’t be another Earth year until 2028 for strong focus on earthly-plane issues, so this is the year to heal a lingering illness or pain, clean your kitchen cupboards, organize your closets, upgrade your home, go to the dentist, and other mundane matters. Especially take care of your diet and digestion this...
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