Posts Tagged "Fire Snake month"


Posted by on Jun 5, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

NEW MOON IN GEMINI Saturday June 8 at 8:56 am PDT is a new Moon in the lively, mercurial Air sign Gemini. Sun, Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are all in fun-loving Gemini so time to enjoy life, socialize with family and friends, engage in outdoor activities, and anticipate good luck and good fortune. Life can flow more easily and relationships are much better because on this new Moon there is a grand trine of Venus, Saturn, and Neptune. Now is an ideal time for travel — long trips or short jaunts — before Mercury goes retrograde on June 26. EARTH HORSE MONTH This new Moon starts the...

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Posted by on May 18, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments

Highlights this week are a productive Earth Rat day on Wednesday, an intense full Moon eclipse on Thursday at 9:25 pm PDT on a strong Metal Tiger day, and a pleasurable Rabbit day on Saturday. Mon May 20 is an exciting Fire Dog day to live up to your ideals. Communication planet Mercury sextiles Uranus for creativity, innovation, and an element of genius. Follow your truth and do not compromise on this Dog day to create new ideas and methods. Uranus squares Pluto to release outdated ideas and life structures. Whatever is lost, it’s time to go. Luck is strongest for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger,...

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Posted by on May 5, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 2 comments

NEW MOON ECLIPSE Thursday May 9 is a new Moon eclipse at 5:28 pm PDT in the solid Earth sign Taurus the Bull. This new Moon is time to focus on practical earthly matters: your health, the food you eat, your money and financial security, career and the work you do. An eclipse is an absence of light when the “shadow” is seen so now there are opportunities to address practical matters that you may have been avoiding. Passions and goals are strong as the Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars are all in Taurus for a burst of new energy. Just be realistic about the amount of work involved to...

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May 6 – 12, 2013 The Week in Chinese Astrology

Posted by on May 4, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

Highlights this week are a new Moon eclipse on Thursday at 5:28 pm PDT that starts the month of the Fire Snake, a fun and lucky for love Friday night, and a very harmonious Sunday for Mother’s Day. Monday May 6 is an interesting Water Monkey day (black Monkey) when the Moon blends with Uranus. Moods and opinions change quickly, people feel impulsive, and no one wants to follow routine. Plus Moon squares Pluto adding to the compulsiveness and sense of rebellion. Fortunately communication planet Mercury trines Pluto for an interest in what lies below the surface to arrive at...

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