Jan 27 – Feb 2, 2014 The Week in Chinese Astrology
The highlight this week is the new Moon on Thursday at 1:38 pm PST that starts the month of the Fire Tiger and the year of the Wood Horse! Happy New Year! Mon Jan 27 is an Earth Dog (yellow Dog) day to get grounded. Moon sextiles Mercury and Mars for good communication and courage of your convictions. But Venus conjuncts Pluto for relationship intensity. and squaring Jupiter and Uranus can provoke a fight. Calm down but if you must battle, defend what is right on a Dog day. Dog day luck strong for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger & Horse. Dog hours 7 – 9 pm. Tues Jan 28 is an Earth Pig day, the...
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Thursday January 30 at 1:38 pm PST is a new Moon that begins the year of the Horse. Note that the hour will vary in different locations around the world, and some calendars list January 31 as Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is a spring festival that occurs on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice. This new Moon begins both Horse year and Tiger month. Tiger brings powerful energy that gets Horse year started with a bang! Horse and Tiger are best friends, along with Dog, so right away Horse energy is in synch. Even retrograde planets won’t slow down the lively energy of Horse and...
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