Posts Tagged "FirePhoenixYear"

Capricorn New Moon begins Ox Month

Posted by on Dec 26, 2016 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

Capricorn New Moon begins Ox Month

NEW MOON in CAPRICORN December 28 2016 is a new Moon in Capricorn. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Pluto are all in Earth sign Capricorn, making this lunar month the time to focus on earthly matters such as health and finances. Fortunately, the new Moon, Sun, and Mercury make harmonious sextiles with Mars and Neptune in Pisces. The Mars sextiles bring good creative focus, courage, and energy to accomplish tasks. The Neptune sextiles bring increased empathy, and interest in spirituality. Yet there can be tension due to a cardinal T-square that lasts all of January of Jupiter in Libra opposite...

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