Posts Tagged "golden Ox"

May 12 – 18, 2014 The WEEK in CHINESE ASTROLOGY

Posted by on May 7, 2014 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology | 0 comments

May 12 – 18, 2014 The WEEK in CHINESE ASTROLOGY

Highlights this week are a full Moon on Wednesday that marks the middle of Earth Snake month, a party day on Fire Pig Friday, and a reflective golden Ox Sunday! Mon May 12 is a sensitive Water SHEEP day. Mercury trines Mars that’s good for mental work, and people are not easily discouraged. Venus conjuncts Uranus for something new, innovative,and creative. But Venus joins the grand cross of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Plus Sun is opposite Saturn so work within your limitations and accept your situation. Not a day to fight or champion your cause under the influence of peaceful...

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