May 12 – 18, 2014 The WEEK in CHINESE ASTROLOGY
Highlights this week are a full Moon on Wednesday that marks the middle of Earth Snake month, a party day on Fire Pig Friday, and a reflective golden Ox Sunday! Mon May 12 is a sensitive Water SHEEP day. Mercury trines Mars that’s good for mental work, and people are not easily discouraged. Venus conjuncts Uranus for something new, innovative,and creative. But Venus joins the grand cross of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. Plus Sun is opposite Saturn so work within your limitations and accept your situation. Not a day to fight or champion your cause under the influence of peaceful...
Read MoreMay 5 – 11, 2014 The Week in Chinese Astrology
Highlights this week are a lucky grand trine on Dragon Friday, a double Snake Saturday, and a double Horse Sunday! Mon May 5 a Fire RAT day. Can be testy with Sun and Mercury opposite Saturn, and Venus opposite Mars. (Oppositions involve others, those opposite you.) The grand cross continues of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto so can feel limits, especially limitations at work. Confronting others can lead to chaos. Instead, use smart Fire Rat energy to follow up and get organized. Fortunately Moon sextiles Mercury and trines Venus to nurture and take care of yourself today. Rat day luck...
Read MoreApril 28 – May 4, 2014 THE WEEK IN CHINESE ASTROLOGY
The highlight this week is a DOUBLE EARTH SNAKE solar eclipse at 11:14 pm PDT on April 28! Mon Apr 28 is a DOUBLE EARTH SNAKE solar eclipse at 11:14 pm PDT! Today is an Earth Snake day, and this new Moon begins the lunar month of the Earth Snake. Snake is the sign of wisdom and healing. The element Earth is beneficial and grounding for the Snake. This new Snake energy brings momentum to slow down in this Wood Horse year, and heal what needs to be made right. Create closure if feeling scattered; take a well-deserved rest if feeling tired already in Horse year; or just organize and clean up to...
Read MoreApril 21 – 27, 2014 The Week in Chinese Astrology
Highlights this week are a lucky Fire Tiger Friday, and a double Earth Dragon Saturday! Mon Apr 21 is a diligent Water DOG day. All Dog days are naturally fortunate in this Horse year. The element Water brings feelings and concern for the underdog. The grand cross continues of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. Today Uranus exactly squares Pluto bringing rebellion against authority. Venus trines Jupiter and Saturn for peaceful outcomes. Dog day luck strong for Dog, Rabbit, Tiger, and Horse. Dog hours 7 – 9 pm. Tues Apr 22 is a sensitive Water PIG day on a waning half Moon to find balance by...
Read MoreApril 14 – 20, 2014 THE WEEK IN CHINESE ASTROLOGY
April 14 – 20, 2014 THE WEEK IN CHINESE ASTROLOGY Highlights this week are a full Moon eclipse at 0:42 am PDT on double Dragon Tuesday, and a lucky double Horse Thursday! Mon Apr 14 is a Wood RABBIT day. Mercury conjuncts Uranus, quickening the pace of life to start the work week. Venus trines Jupiter and conjuncts Neptune for spiritual love. But Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in a big grand cross in the sky. Plus Moon is exactly conjunct Mars, so use Rabbit diplomacy and kindness! Rabbit day luck strong for Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, and Pig. Rabbit hours 5 – 7 am. Tues...
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