2022 Virgo Full Moon in Rabbit Lunar Month
March 18, 2022 is a full Moon in Virgo at 12:17 am PDT. Earth sign Virgo rules the 6th house of health, work, and service. For some, it’s time to reassess work commitments and ways to be of service. For others this full moon, and as the moon wanes, is time for nurturing and attention to health. Virgos tend to be analytical, and their actions are usually well thought out. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini. The one astrology sign opposite Virgo is the intuitive and sensitive Water sign Pisces. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in Pisces at this full Moon. Your rational...
Read More2022 Pisces New Moon begins Water Rabbit Month
March 2, 2022 is a new Moon in Pisces at 9:35 am PST. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of intuition, spirituality, and dreams. The new Moon, Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune are all in Pisces to focus on creativity, spirituality, and healing. It’s time for a rebirth and renewal. Contact me for your tarot, astrology, or feng shui consultation for springtime. This new Moon begins Water Rabbit lunar month. Gentle and artistic Rabbit is the diplomat of the Chinese zodiac. The element Water is adaptable, strong, and able to flow around obstacles. A war broke out three weeks into Tiger month...
Read More2021 Gemini Full Moon in Rat Lunar Month
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. Join me for my 2022 YEAR OF THE WATER TIGER talk on Google Meet. SUNDAY JANUARY 9, 2022 at 2 pm PST. Welcome the new Roaring Twenties! December 18, 2021 at 8:35 pm is a full Moon in Gemini. Air sign Gemini rules the 3rd house of ideas and communication. Mercurial energy is strong this weekend, and during the next two weeks as the full Moon wanes. This holiday season brings easy communication with family, friends, and colleagues. Events and activities are fortunate in general, and can turn...
Read More2021 Aquarius Full Moon in Monkey Lunar Month
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. August 22, 2021 is a full Moon in Aquarius at 5:02 am PDT. Air sign Aquarius rules the 11th house of communication, communities, and the connection of all humanity. The full Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Aquarius that is very fortunate to expand your circle, and there’s more generosity between friends, family, and coworkers. Plus, there’s still time for big moves and grand gestures during in this lively Fire Monkey month. Today the Sun enters Virgo, the start of harvest season....
Read More2020 Pisces New Moon begins Gold Rabbit Month
February 23 2020 is a new Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of spirituality and mysticism. People are guided by their emotions, with increased empathy of how others are feeling. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Neptune are all in Pisces. Fresh understanding can begin this springtime. Emotions may be strong, but Mercury is retrograde February 16 until the March 9 full Moon, and no planets are in Air signs. Fortunately, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn make a harmonious sextile with planets in Pisces. Abstract concepts can be brought down to earth. Mars trines...
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