2017 Scorpio New Moon begins Pig Month
NEW MOON in SCORPIO November 17 2017 is a new Moon in Scorpio. The new Moon, Sun, Venus, and Jupiter are all in spiritual and insightful Water sign Scorpio. Venus conjunct Jupiter is very fortunate for all types of relationships. There are opportunities for new love, or an existing relationship deepens. People will be warm and friendly, and good timing for social gatherings. Venus and Jupiter trine Neptune in Pisces that inspires compassion and humanitarian instincts. Communication can become serious as Mercury in Sagittarius conjuncts Saturn. The Sagittarian urge to speak the truth can...
NEW MOON ECLIPSE Tuesday November 13 is a solar eclipse in the deep Water sign Scorpio. An eclipse is an absence of light when the shadow is seen, so now is the time to dissolve the mask you wear to the world and finally be who you truly are. Under the penetrating influence of passionate Scorpio, what is hidden can come to light. Secrets can be revealed and transformed. This new Moon brings opportunities for healing by applying your instinctual understanding of human relationships. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Saturn all in Scorpio, making emotions are very strong. Intuition can be profound,...
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