2021 Pisces New Moon begins Rabbit Lunar Month
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. NEW MOON in PISCES March 13 2021 at 2:21 am PST is a new Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of intuition, spirituality, and dreams. A new Moon is a new beginning, an opportunity. In Pisces, the focus is on spiritual health and well being during this lunar month. The new Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all in Pisces to be more loving, accepting, and perceptive of the emotions of self and others. This spring, emotions can be transformed to cultivate kindness,...
Read MoreSolar Eclipse, Golden Rabbit, and Equinox
SOLAR ECLIPSE in PISCES 2015 March 20, 2015 at 2:36 am PT is a new Moon eclipse in Pisces. An eclipse is an absence of light when the shadow is seen, so note your dreams, subconscious responses, and unexpected coincidences; what is important will rise to the surface. Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Neptune are all in Pisces for increased altruism and empathy. Under the influence of sensitive Water sign Pisces, this is an ideal time to contact me at 415.642.8019 or susan@susanlevitt.com and schedule your tarot card reading, Sheep year forecast, or feng shui consultation. EARTH RABBIT MONTH This new...
Read MoreFeng Shui for the Holidays 2014
It’s holiday season and time to celebrate! “Deck the halls with boughs of holly,” goes the seasonal carol, and from a feng shui perspective that’s a great idea. Adding festive decorations to your home and work can bring luck and improve your feng shui. Bright holiday decorations help elevate your mood, and the festive color red helps temper any holiday blues or seasonal affective disorder in wintertime. Add the color red during the holidays. Red adds fire to our lives. Red spurs us into action, strengthens motivation, and inspires passion for life. A Christmas tree brings life into your...
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