June 2, 2015 at 9:19 am PT is a full Moon in Sagittarius. Fire sign Sagittarius is a free spirit who loves adventure and seeks higher knowledge. The Sagittarius symbol is a half horse/half human archer shooting an arrow of truth to hit the mark. So the remaining two weeks of this lunar cycle are time to get to the heart of the matter by discovering and speaking your truth. This Sagittarian full Moon trines Jupiter in Leo and Uranus in Aries to create a fortunate grand Fire trine! People are friendly, warm, and supportive. They are generous and sincerely concerned with the welfare of others....
FULL MOON ECLIPSE in SAGITTARIUS Friday May 24 is a full Moon eclipse at 9:25 pm PDT. This is the third and final eclipse in a series of eclipses this spring. April 25 was a full Moon eclipse in the passionate Water sign Scorpio to reflect on using power wisely in this Water Snake year. May 9 was a new Moon eclipse in the grounded Earth sign Taurus to focus on health, food, healing, money, and career. The full Moon eclipse on May 24 is in the dynamic Fire sign Sagittarius to discover new freedom, independence, and expand your awareness of the truth. Under the influence of bold Sagittarius,...
FULL MOON ECLIPSE in GEMINI Wednesday November 28 is a lunar eclipse in the Air sign Gemini. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the Moon and the Sun. The Earth blocks the Sun’s light to the Moon so that the Moon is temporarily covered in darkness. Fortunately, this full Moon eclipse blends with the big planet Jupiter, also in in Gemini, for generosity, innovative ideas, and sharing of information. It’s easier to make change now and to realign your priorities. And Gemini is ruled by communication planet Mercury, making this an ideal time to speak up, clear the air, and let...
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