NEW! Lunar Astrology Week
Lunar Astrology Week August 4 – 10th, 2014 Please keep for the entire week! Posted on Sunday for the following Monday. Time zone used is 8 am PST. That’s -08 hours. Mon Aug 4 is Fire SHEEP day with Moon void of course leaving intense Scorpio. Moon conjuncts Saturn in Scorpio can feel blue, or too serious. And Sheep can be a worrier. Fortunately Moon trines Venus in Cancer to enjoy life on a Sheep day! Sheep days are fortunate in this Horse year. Plus Sun and Jupiter conjunct in Leo for new ideas and creativity. Sheep day luck strong for Sheep, Rabbit, Horse, and Pig. Sheep hours 1 – 3...
As the MOON orbits the EARTH, every month the Moon journeys through all 12 signs of the zodiac, passing through each sign for 2 1/2 days (more than two but less than three days). When the Moon nears the end of each sign, the Moon loses the last bit of connection until it moves into the next sign. Moon is void of course occurs during this time of loss of connection. And for us humans and animals, it’s easy to feel unconnected, a bit lost, or without direction. Of course! The Moon void of course cycle can be a time-out phase bringing you the opportunity to center, release, and balance....
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