Posts Tagged "New Moon in Cancer"

2020 2nd Cancer New Moon begins Water Sheep Month

Posted by on Jul 18, 2020 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments

2020 2nd Cancer New Moon begins Water Sheep Month

The Moon is ruled by Cancer, a very comfortable sign for the Moon. Cancer rules the 4th house of home, family, and nurturing. Continue to take care of self and others, focus on family connections, and creative ways to nurture. This new Moon begins Water Sheep month in Chinese astrology. Sensitive Water Sheep is a kind and gentle soul, bringing a peaceful and gracious tone to this lunar month. Sheep is a symbol of love and peace, making this the time for healing after the exciting yet chaotic energy of the previous Horse month. The new Moon and Sun in Cancer are opposite Jupiter, Saturn, and...

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2017 Cancer New Moon begins Sheep Month

Posted by on Jun 21, 2017 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

NEW MOON in CANCER June 23 2017 is a new Moon in Water sign Cancer. Cancers are highly sensitive and are natural empaths. Cancer rules the 4th house of family, home, and roots. So this lunar month is time to focus on home, security, and ways of nurturing self and others. The new Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars are in Cancer for healing communication, setting boundaries, and creating comfortable and peaceful environments. Plus Cancers can be astute about finances, so this lunar month is good to organize your financial affairs. Mars trines Neptune in Pisces to work collectively and help others....

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Cancer New Moon Starts Metal Sheep Month

Posted by on Jun 24, 2014 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

NEW MOON IN CANCER Friday June 27, 2014 at 1:08 am PDT is a new Moon in Cancer. Cancer is a nurturing Water sign. Good fortune arrives with a grand Water trine of new Moon in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. There is an easier flow of balanced creative imagination, plus increased empathy and sensitivity. You can experience a new understanding of your world and those around you. Time to put your wisdom into practice. METAL SHEEP MONTH This new Moon starts the month of the Metal Sheep. Sheep are artistic souls who cherish beauty and value the finer things in life. The element...

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New Moon in Cancer begins Sheep Month

Posted by on Jul 6, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

New Moon in Cancer begins Sheep Month

Monday July 8 is a new Moon in Cancer at 4:44 am PDT that begins the month of the Earth Sheep making this a time for healing, nurturing, generosity, and for exploring art and creativity. Gentle and kind Sheep correlates to the Western sign Cancer. On this new Moon, the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in Cancer for compassion and understanding. Plus Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are in a very fortunate grand Water trine for an easy flow of energy. Cancer rules the 4th house of astrology, the section of the horoscope concerned with home, family, and roots. Focus on creating a peaceful...

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New Moon in Cancer Begins Fire Sheep Month

Posted by on Jul 16, 2012 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 0 comments

NEW MOON IN CANCER Wednesday July 18 2012 is a new Moon in the sensitive Water sign Cancer. Empathy is naturally stronger, making it easier to connect with your emotions. Follow your intuition, observe signs or symbols in daily activities, and be open to intuitive dreams at night. Cancer rules the fourth house of family, nurturing, motherhood, home, and roots. Time to get cozy, take care, and give some attention to what’s been neglected in your life. Because Cancer is a Water sign, healing with water at a beach or lakeside, health spa, or baths at home can be transformational. If...

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