Posts Tagged "new Moon in Pisces 2014"

Pisces New Moon begins Rabbit Month

Posted by on Feb 25, 2014 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 8 comments

NEW MOON in PISCES Saturday March 1 at 12:00 am PST is a new Moon in Pisces. Under the influence of gentle Pisces, time to to flow with feelings and instincts. Sun, Moon, and Neptune are all in Pisces so be open to psychic impressions. Answers can arrive in dreams. Pisces month is an excellent time for divination so call 415.642.8019 or email to schedule your tarot or astrology reading. Adding to the new Moon luck is Pisces Sun and Moon trine Jupiter in Cancer for good fortune and warm, generous feelings. Plus communication planet Mercury goes direct on February 28. (Is...

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