2019 Scorpio New Moon begins Double Pig Month
NEW MOON in SCORPIO October 27 2019 is a new moon in Scorpio. Water sign Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, death, and rebirth. Anticipate strong insights during this lunar month! The Sun, new Moon, Mercury and Venus are all in penetrating Scorpio. People can see larger patterns at work, and have greater understanding of life’s meaning. Mercury conjunct Venus makes it easier to share emotions, and tell loves one that you care. The Sun and new Moon are opposite Uranus in Taurus. Uranus oppositions can bring impulsive behavior that disrupts relationships. However, Uranus can also bring...
Read More2016 Scorpio New Moon begins Golden Pig Month
NEW MOON in SCORPIO October 30 2016 is a new Moon in Scorpio. Water sign Scorpio is perceptive and highly intuitive. The new Moon conjuncts Sun and Mercury in Scorpio to be in touch with feelings, and decision making could be influenced by emotions. The new Moon, Sun, and Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces. This is extremely fortunate to focus on spiritual matters, there is sensitivity to mystical experiences, and insights can arrive in dreams. These planets in Water signs bring an increase of extra sensory perception. Imagination is heightened that is superb for creative and...
NEW MOON IN SCORPIO November 11, 2015 at 9:47 am PT is a new Moon in Scorpio. Passionate Water sign Scorpio likes to get to the bottom of things. The Sun, new Moon, and Mercury are all in Scorpio making this an ideal time for in-depth conversations and insights that can be very healing. Plus the Sun, new Moon, and Mercury are all in a fortunate sextile to lucky Jupiter in Virgo. You’ll have opportunities to convey your point of view, and it’s easier to take the initiative, making this lunar cycle excellent for new business ventures. Under the influence of Jupiter, you can have clarity when...
NEW MOON ECLIPSE Tuesday November 13 is a solar eclipse in the deep Water sign Scorpio. An eclipse is an absence of light when the shadow is seen, so now is the time to dissolve the mask you wear to the world and finally be who you truly are. Under the penetrating influence of passionate Scorpio, what is hidden can come to light. Secrets can be revealed and transformed. This new Moon brings opportunities for healing by applying your instinctual understanding of human relationships. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Saturn all in Scorpio, making emotions are very strong. Intuition can be profound,...
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