Posts Tagged "Pluto in Capricorn"

URANUS SQUARE PLUTO: Occupy or Tea Party?

Posted by on Oct 21, 2013 in Astrology | 0 comments

December 2014 update: I posted this in October 2013 when Americans took to the streets to protest income disparity. Now Americans are protesting police brutality because BLACK LIVES MATTER! URANUS SQUARE PLUTO: Occupy or Tea Party? URANUS in Aries squares PLUTO in Capricorn on the following dates: NOVEMBER 1 2013, April 21 2014, December 14 2014, and March 16 2015. Uranus symbolizes freedom, radical change, and liberation. Pluto (especially in Earth sign Capricorn) represents the conservative power structure. And the reigning PLUTOcracy, a government of wealthy men, has become globalized...

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New Moon in Capricorn begins Water Ox Month

Posted by on Jan 8, 2013 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, New Moon | 2 comments

NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN Friday January 11 is a new Moon in the practical Earth sign Capricorn. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are all in Capricorn so imagination and creativity are not as important as pragmatic goals and no-nonsense responsibility. In your communication, it’s best to slow down and be thorough. At home and work, structure your surroundings so you have a better sense of control. Under Capricorn’s influence, material objects are valued if they have both beauty and purpose. WATER OX MONTH This new Moon begins the month of the Water Ox, the final month of this...

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Posted by on Jun 29, 2012 in Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Full Moon | 0 comments

FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN July 3 2012 is a full Moon in the Earth sign Capricorn, time to enjoy, celebrate, and share Earth’s abundance. Energy is high during this peak-of-summer Fire Horse month, and perfect for fireworks. If you’re moving right along at a fast clip, then put some sweat equity into your Dragon-year dreams. Organize and build to manifest your ideal. But if you’re running on empty so far in this Dragon year, use this full Moon cycle as your time for stability and healing. Practical, realistic Capricorn rules the 10th house of career, so be sure to manage your...

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