2020 SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON ECLIPSE June 5 2020 at 12:12 pm PDT is a full Moon, and a lunar eclipse at 12:25 pm PDT. This is the first of three eclipses in a row when what is hidden comes to the surface. The truth can be revealed, especially concerning racial injustice. The next two eclipses are the new Moon on June 20 and full Moon on July 4. The June 5 lunar eclipse is in Sagittarius. Fire sign Sagittarius rules the 9th house of education, philosophy, and exploration. Under the influence of straight-talking Sagittarius, people will say what they really think. This full Moon marks the peak...
Read More2020 Scorpio Full Moon in Snake Month
May 7 2020 at 3:45 am PDT is a full Moon in Scorpio. Water sign Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, rebirth, and transformation. There is emotion intensity during a full Moon, especially now under the influence of deep and penetrating Scorpio. Plus this is a super moon that will appear larger in the night sky. The full Moon trines Neptune in Pisces whereby subconscious feeling can come to the surface, and imagination is stimulated for artistic and creative work. There is increased empathy and compassion for others. The full Moon makes a harmonious sextile with the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus in...
TAURUS NEW MOON begins two METAL SNAKE MONTHS April 22 – June 19 2020 April 22 at 7:26 pm PDT is a new Moon in Taurus that begins Metal Snake lunar month. The next new Moon on May 22 at 10:39 am PDT is a new Moon in Gemini that begins the second Metal Snake month in a row. This is because 2020 is both a solar and a lunar leap year. In Western lunar astrology, there will be two Cancer new Moons in June and July. In Chinese lunar astrology, there will be two Snake new Moons in April and May bringing many opportunities to shed the skins of the past, pare down, and simplify! Snake is...
Read More2019 Scorpio Full Moon in Snake Month
FULL MOON and VENUS May 18 2019 is a full Moon in Scorpio. Water sign Scorpio rules the 8th house of sex, death, and rebirth. So a Scorpio full Moon can be a time of intense emotions and deep perceptions. Energy is lighter this full Moon because Venus, newly in Taurus, conjuncts Uranus for new excitement, even unexpected events. Venus also sextiles Mars, newly in Cancer. Close relationships are strengthened, plus it’s a favorable time to create new bonds of friendship. Contact me for your tarot or astrology reading about relationships for a spring breakthrough. The Sun conjuncts...
Read More2019 Taurus New Moon begins Snake Month
May 4 2019 is a new Moon in Earth sign Taurus. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, the best sign for the Moon. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet named for the goddess of love, art and beauty. This lunar month is time to enjoy the beauty and creativity of springtime. Uranus, the planet of revolution and change, entered Taurus in May 2018 for seven years until July 2025. This springtime starts a new cycle of powerful energy with potential for great transformation. On a global scale, Uranus in Earth sign Taurus indicates climate change crisis, and radical shifts about material resources...
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