2021 Pisces New Moon begins Rabbit Lunar Month
To sign up for this Lunar Astrology Newsletter, please send your email address to susan@susanlevitt.com. NEW MOON in PISCES March 13 2021 at 2:21 am PST is a new Moon in Pisces. Water sign Pisces rules the 12th house of intuition, spirituality, and dreams. A new Moon is a new beginning, an opportunity. In Pisces, the focus is on spiritual health and well being during this lunar month. The new Moon, Sun, Venus, and Neptune are all in Pisces to be more loving, accepting, and perceptive of the emotions of self and others. This spring, emotions can be transformed to cultivate kindness,...
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MY DOG YEAR LECTURE Sunday February 4 2018 Chinese New Year: Earth Dog 2018 1-2:30 pm • $21 thru Feb 3, $25 day of Join me for my annual Chinese New Year talk at East West Book Shop in Mountain View CA. Earth Dog year is a time for honesty, fairness, and to cultivate integrity of character. Dog sniffs out the truth, corruption is exposed, and the underdog is championed. Earth Dog possesses some of the finest qualities of any of the sixty animal signs of the Chinese zodiac. The element Earth brings healing, stability, and focus on nutrition. Learn about Earth Dog, and how Dog year energy...
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